1: intro

30 8 15

Name: Hollie Way
Age: 17
Pronouns: He/Him

Hey, so, I'm Hollie Way, I'm 17, I'm awkward, and I obsess over multiple fandoms, and ship the most obscure things, oh, and I'm gay.

My best friend is Luna Martinez, she's awesome!
We met when she was cornered by the bullies of the school, or as we call them the 'Heaths' AKA, the Male versions of The Heathers, anyways.
I took the beating for her, and in return, she taught me how to defend myself, and how to keep cool in tight situations, and she's Trans, so that's why we're bullied a lot.

Hmm, I guess that's it about me, and Luna.
Uh, I like Red Dead Redemption, Steven Universe, And any song that makes me feel badass (Using you, grind me down, I'm the queen of the castle)
So yeah, bye I suppose 👋🏻

(Oh yeah, I'm a bit dyslexic, well, a lot dyslexic, so sorry if the chapters are short/not good, love yourselves as much as I love you)

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