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"Mr. Kippen, I'm sorry, but we can't let you purchase tickets for this dance." I look at Dr. Metcalf with eyes in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?" I sputter out. "Why in the world can't I? Is it because I have a tattoo or something?" I question back. Dr. Metcalf shakes his head 'no' and proceeds to roll up his sleeves, revealing both of his arms to be coated in vibrant tattoos. "That's not it, Mr. Kippen. It's your math grade. You're failing." I roll my eyes and frown, biting back the venom on my tongue. "I- okay. What if I get my math grade up, though?" I'm practically begging at this point, and Dr. Metcalf seems to sense this. "If you can get a C or higher on your next math exam, I'll reconsider my position on this. You need to apply yourself, TJ." I nod my head curtly and saunter away, trying to collect my thoughts. He doesn't get it. I do apply myself in math. It just doesn't...click with me. I don't get it. It makes my head hurt and the numbers just swirl together. Whatever, though. If I want to go to this dance with Cyrus, I'm going to do what it takes. I'll literally replace my brain if I have to.

Cyrus' POV

TJ has asked for help studying math in order to do well on his upcoming exam so we can attend the winter dance together. I've been so caught up running the shop and balancing schoolwork that I haven't even thought about TJ needing help in any of his classes! He's a really intelligent person; he's just got this cute little rebellious streak going on. Either way, I'm really excited to help him out and spend some extra time with him.

TJ invited me over to meet his family, to which I practically screeched "YES!" It's Saturday night now, and I've spent hours picking an outfit. How will I introduce myself? Will TJ introduce ME? Will his parents know us as 'boyfriends' or would that be weird to them? Did his adoptive parents realize they were adopting two gay kids or was that just kind of a cool bonus?

At 6:23, I'm ringing the doorbell of TJ's house and a pretty lady with blue eyes and dark, curly hair answers the door with a wide grin. "TJ, your b O y F r I e N d is here! And he's so HANDSOME" she practically singsongs as she pulls me in and wraps me in a hug. I giggle at the sudden burst of attention and a man who I assume to be TJ's adoptive father walks in the room with a hearty laugh. "He's getting ready, honey. He's been picking an outfit for what seems like hours now," he follows with a smirk. They both formally introduce themselves and I do the same; their names are Emma and Cal. I grin as TJ finally comes jogging down the staircase in a navy blue button-up. I'm pretty sure I've never seen TJ in a button-up before, but he looks...

"-amazing. You look amazing, muffin." TJ breathes out, squeezing me in a tight hug. His mom beams as we embrace, standing back to admire her son while her arms are wrapped around her husband. I hear her half-whisper to him, "adopting TWO gay kids was a really cool bonus. How did we end up so blessed?" TJ looks into my eyes and smiles, rolling his eyes playfully as he clears his throat dramatically. "Shall we study?" he asks, offering his hand. This was so out of character for him, I couldn't help but laugh. "We shall," I offer playfully back. Amber is closing at the shop today, so I don't expect to see her tonight. As we enter TJ's room, I'm immediately enraptured by the scent of his cologne and the feel of his room. It's dark; not unlike TJ himself. It really counters the bright feel of my room, but I love every bit of it. Sure enough, the pride flag that TJ told me he has is pinned above his bed. I smile at the sight of it.

"Let's get high on math tonight!" TJ finally exclaims as he claps his hands. I roll my eyes and push him playfully, digging out my math textbook and a notebook to work in. We've worked for all of three minutes when TJ is groaning and complaining about a headache. "Cy...rus. I can't do this anymore. Can we take a break?" I shake my head and give him a look. "TJ. I really, really want to go to that dance with you. Don't you want to go with me? And we can slow dance...and I can put my head on your shoulder, so your hands will be right...here, and my lips will be right...here," I say as I place his hands on my waist and let my lips brush his neck. This seems to put TJ on high-alert because he sits up tall and reaches for his glasses. "Let's do this. We gotta make it to that dance, Underdog!"

On Tuesday, a few days before the winter dance, I kiss TJ's cheek as we walk towards math together. It immediately turns pink and he covers his face in his hands. "Good luck," I whisper when we're finally seated. He nods and gives me an anxious smile. After the events of our study session the other night, I have a feeling TJ might have some kind of learning disability. I don't want to crack open a can of worms right before he takes a huge math exam, though. So I simply return TJ's smile with a somewhat genuine one and sink a little lower in my seat.

"How'd you do?" I ask nervously as we scroll through the online gradebook at lunchtime. TJ grimaces in return, sending anxiety through my veins. He holds up his phone to reveal a '62%' staring back at me menacingly off the screen. "I really, really tried Cy-"

I stop him by grabbing his hand and intertwining our fingers, which seems to soothe him instantly. He puts his phone face-down and sighs when our eyes meet. "How about we go to The Spoon?" I finally ask to break the silence. "Like, on the night of the dance...?" TJ asks carefully, excitement lacing his tone as he gives my hand a tight squeeze. I nod my head vigorously, knowing a date at The Spoon would be a lot more fun than a school dance, anyway. 


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