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TJ and I have been married for three years, now. A lot changed after that incredible night at The Spoon. For one, TJ got help with his learning disability--dyscalculia. He and I became inseparable, and he proposed to me at our high school graduation in June. Of course, I screamed 'yes' and everybody was really excited for us--even Buffy was crying through a genuine smile. TJ became a History teacher at Jefferson High School and I'm working on becoming a lawyer. Oh, and yeah--Amber and Andi are engaged while Jonah and Walker are getting ready to adopt their second kid. TJ and I kind of prefer it to just be him and I, honestly.

"Teej, what does your tattoo mean? You've still never told me..." I ask carefully, tracing the shape of each Roman numeral lacing TJ's inner bicep as we spoon on the couch together. He sighs and looks at me with a somber smile. "It's the date I left foster care and got adopted," he finally says, tears starting to form in his beautiful eyes. "I'll never forget how special that day was for Amber and I." I squeezed his hand and he squeezed mine back, warmth coursing from our fingers throughout my entire being. "I was actually thinking of getting a new one..." he finally says after a beat of passionate silence. I look at him quizzically. "Oh? Of what?" TJ looks at me with love in his eyes and brushes through my hair with his fingers. "The day that I met my soulmate, Cyrus Goodman." I grin up at TJ--my husband-- and snuggle further into him. "I think I'll get the same one...for the day that I met my soulmate, TJ Kippen."

I hope you all enjoyed this story. Please leave comments wherever you wish; I love to read and respond to them. <3

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