a night out with Yn part( 2)

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We stopped and got cotton candy i couldn't help but stare he looked so happy like a 2 year old he examined everything and his reactions were filled with amazement, everything was perfect until....

" nice afro douchbag"
"U look like a clown "
" how bout a haircut mate "

His facial expression changed , his face became red hot with anger and his body shaked like he was gonna trip , i could not let them insult him i had to do something but before i could i was shocked as i saw him punch the guy in his face

" prince!"

I grabbed his hand as we ran away





We were in third grade and the bigger teens were picking on him

" leave me alone !" He was slammed against the locker and crying in pain as the bullies walk off laughing " run home and cry u little Bitch"

End of flash back



We stop running i looked at him to see our fingers entwined he was holding on tightly as if he didn't want to let go

Prince POV

After i punch that guy in the face yn grabbed my hand and we ran away her hands were soft and cold and smooth i wanted to hold them for eternity


I looked  around us to see us on the boardwalk  the stars were shinning and i couldn't help but stare into her beautiful brown eyes i felt something... My heart started beating faster and something was pulling me into her and at that point in time i just wanted to kiss her... So i did

Did prince just ..... Ohhhh he slick
Whats gonna happen next feed back please :)

- spiffy cookie <3

here's to never growing upDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora