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Raging flames and heat surround the Citadel as Ifrit, the Fire God rains down hellfire on 5 individuals. One of these individuals is the 114th King of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum. In a flash, another wave of fire spews out knocking Noctis to the ground. A blonde haired individual appears at his side and helps to put the flames out. His name is Prompto Argentum

Prompto: Noct! Don't worry buddy we'll handle him!

Noctis gets up wearily and limps towards his friends as Ifrit prepares to strike again

???: Noct! Over here!

An individual with gray glasses calls out to Noctis. His name is Ignis Scienta.

Ignis: Quickly! Before he strikes again!

Noctis stumbles towards Ignis but is grabbed by a very tall and built individual. His name is Gladiolus Amicitia. Gladiolus helps Noctis get to cover where his friends await and makes it just in time as Ifrit sends out another wave of flames. 

Prompto: Here it comes!

All of a sudden, amongst the red and orange flames is a white streak that moves at Ifrit with incredible speed and clashes with the Fire God head on. The white streak is Y/N L/N. However, the efforts of Y/N are futile as with one simple movement of his hand, Ifrit sends Y/N flying away pushing him through the gates of the Citadel.

Ignis: Here! 

Ignis gives Noctis a much needed potion as it revitalizes him

Noctis: Let's do this!

BEFORE THE FALL                                                                                                                                                                                          ---------------------------------------------

Location: INSOMNIA, King's throne room

King Regis: The decreed hour has come. Set forth with my blessing, Prince Noctis.

Noctis: (Bowing) Thank you, your majesty.

King Regis: Take your leave and go with the grace of the gods.

Noctis: Right.

Noctis turns to leave brushing past his friends who hastily bow before the king before following the latter. Outside, an elite member of the Kingsglaive waits for the 4 friends in front of a fancy and regal looking car. 

Y/N: There they are. 

Prompts: Well, princes will be princes.

Ignis: So much for Royal Protocol.

Gladiolus: Not like you had to give a formal address.

Drautos: Your Highness!

Noctis turns around to see King Regis alongside his guard, Drautos.

Noctis: What now?

Regis: I fear I have left too much unsaid. You place a great burden on those who would bear with you.

Noctis: You're one to talk.

King Regis turns to speak to Ignis, Prompto, and Gladiolus.

King Regis: I ask not that you guide my wayward son, merely that you remain at his side.

Ignis: Indeed, Your Grace

Gladioulus: We'll see the Prince to Altissia if it's the last thing we see.

Prompto: Yeah, what he said!

Noctis: Hate to break this up, but Cor's got the motor running.

Noctis turns to leave while waving his hand.

Noctis: Drautos, he's in your hands!

Regis: And another thing.

Noctis: Hm?

Regis: Do mind your manners around your charming bride-to-be.

Noctis: Your Majesty, as well. Try to mind yours around our esteemed guests from Niflheim.

Regis simply smiles at Noctis's comment.

Regis: You have no cause for concern.

Noctis: Nor do you.

Regis: Take heed. Once you set forth, you cannot turn back.

Noctis: You think I would?

Regis: I need only know that you are ready to leave home-behind.

Noctis: Don't know about you, but I'm ready as I'll ever be.

Noctis yet again turns to leave but King Regis stops him.

Regis; Take care on the long road. Wheresoever you should go, the line of Lucis goes with you. Walk tall, my son.

Noctis nods his head and turns to go to the car where an impatient Y/N awaits. 

Y/N: Goddamn, what in the name of the Glacian took so damn long?

Noctis: Dad was just being paranoid as usual.

Y/N: Huh, alright. Iggy's driving I assume?

Prompto: You got that right!

The party of 5 enters the Regalia and Ignis starts the car. 

Y/N: And away we gooo.

The group drives past the main security gate where two Kingsglaive members salute the Prince as they drive off into the city and out the border to the land of Eos.

(SLOW UPDATES) The Adventures Of You And The Chocobros (FFXV X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now