Departure Part 4

584 18 4

Location: Hammerhead

Cindy is humming to herself as she is tending to her daily work at the garage. Cid is in his usual spot under an umbrella in a pool chair sleeping.

Prompto: Heeeeey! We're back!

Cindy: Oh! Howdy ya'll! You were gone for a while! Was thinkin' y'all might've gotten yourselves into a pickle

Y/N: Pssh, it wasn't a problem

Cindy: Well, y'all are safe that's all that matters...Oh! And the little girl is lookin' better than ever!

Cindy ran inside the garage and drove out with the Regalia. It's engine purring even cleaner than how it was before

Cindy: Well, there ya go. 

Gladiolus: Heh, almost too pretty for the road

Prompto: She's finally back! Hey, while we're here let's get a photo!

Prompto handed his camera to Cindy and the 5 posed in front of the newly repaired car 

Cindy: And while you're here

Noctis: Huh?

Cindy: If ya don't mind I got one more favor to ask of ya. I need a package delivered think you could do that?

Noctis: Sure, you've been a big help to us. It's the least we can do

Cindy: Y'all are just dandy! Thought you'd say that so I already put it in the trunk

Cindy waves goodbye and goes back to her tasks. As the group comes together for a chat

Ignis: Well, now that the repairs are done and the car is polished up: Would you mind taking her for a spin, Noct?

Gladiolus: Hell no. This guy's driving puts me on edge

Prompto: How about me?

Y/N: Do you remember what happened yesterday? How about this? I'll drive

Noctis, Gladiolus, and Prompto: Huh!?

Y/N: Yeah, I got my license, I've been a crowns-guard for 7 years, I have 20-20 vision

Ignis: ...I see no down sides to that. Hop aboard everyone!

The other three looked scared when Ignis said this and slowly got into the car and strapped themselves in...tight.

A few minutes later....


Gladiolus, Noctis, and Prompto:AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


Y/N was drifting around corners of the road at a dangerously high speed and getting many close calls with other cars. He was having the time of his life while the others not so much


Y/N: Alright, fine! Heheh

Y/N pushed on the brake and slowed down before coming to a complete stop

Y/N: Ahhh, I love this car...*smooches steering wheel*

The rest of the group were breathing heavily and with elevated heart rates. They could not express it thanks to the state of shock they were in. After 20 minutes of regular driving from Y/N, the group arrived at their first hotel for the night. They all hopped out and while Noctis filled up the tank Y/N delivered the package to the Inn Keeper.

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