C:1 The Email

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A mass of ringtones reverberated in the brick halls of the Student center as my friend pulled out his phone, "BRO! Check this out!" My buddy Corey slid me his phone, "They're canceling classes the rest of the week because of Florence!"
"Dude, fucking sick! Hurricane Party?" I replied, sliding the phone back over the table. 
"Did I hear Hurricane Party in Magnolia tonight? Count me in! I'll message Baby Jags, let's spread the word!" our buddy Caleb and his roommate Jon strolled up and plopped down with us.
"I knew our stash would come in handy. Hey, if we get enough people, we can get a punch bowl. Leaded, of course," I suggested to the trio. We began to iron out some of the details when we were overheard by our RA Maddie.

Maddie was the cool RA of Magnolia. None of them really weren't cool. I mean, we were all adults and we didn't need to be babysat. As long as there are no noise complaints and no destruction of property, residents of Magnolia were basically autonomous. Barring the occasional fight over some ranch or lockouts.  
She really didn't give too much of a shit as long as we behaved. Just to make sure we kept this symbiotic relationship, she placed her hand on my shoulders out of the blue which scared the bejeezus out of me. "Hey, guys! How's it going?"
"Umm, great Maddie! Totally not planning a party tonight in Magnolia."
"Oh? Well, South is a 'dry' campus," She began with air quotes, "So be careful." 

After she held a straight face for about 5 seconds in pure silence, we all busted out laughing. "Don't be stupid guys. Just make sure you're using like Yetis or something. We don't know what's in a closed, unmarked bottle. I'm on duty tonight, so for the love of god please don't get Heath involved."
"Isn't he the Community Director? Does he exist?" asked Jon, genuinely curious because he wanted to be an RA after a month.
"Yeah, you nerd. He's my boss. Let's not piss him off. I'm trying to save my write-ups until next semester. And I'd rather not have to deal with y'all being pissed at me. Like, I live right next to y'all. Ain't nobody got time for all that mess," Maddie reasoned before checking her watch, "Gotta go, guys, don't be stupid."
"Yes, ma'am!" We said in unison, freaking her out in the process. She just shook her head and kept walking to the JagTran.

"Do we need to go to the store before shit hits the fan? If so I'll drive," Caleb offered.
"I think that might be the move, let's get back to Magnolia first, meet in my dorm?" I responded with a dastardly smile.  


"Alright, so we have two big ass bottles of vodka stashed, we have a bottle of blue curacao, and we have some other fruity shit. What are we getting from WalMart?" Corey asked as he took inventory from his stash. 
"Yeah, Alexander, you're bartender, what do we need? Also, throw half a bottle of Everclear and some more fruity shit in the inventory, Corey," Jon said as he and Caleb entered the room holding a bag full of bottles. 
"Sprite, Blue Hawaiian Punch, And like 8 of the blue calypsos. Then some actual fruit. A cooler or something to make this shit in. I'll order pizza later to cover food if y'all cover punch ingredients," I offered as I was writing it down on a notecard.
"Deal," Caleb agreed while Jon and Corey nodded, "So are we just gonna sit here or are we gonna roll out."

We exit our dorm and walk down the hallway just to pass by Maddie and our friend Maggie. "Wassup ladies! Party, 8 o'clock. Bring ya own cup," I invited before getting a slap on the back from Corey. 
Maddie rolled her eyes as the pair walked into her dorm to go work on what sounded Spanish homework. 

Loading up the elevator we run into Ava and Kayleigh, "Party, 3rd floor, Bring your own cup, 8 o'clock. Spread the word. If you have a wet stash and feel like sharing, donations to the punch are accepted."
"Okay, deal, Alex," They went to their hall as we got on and rode the elevator downstairs. Caleb was the first one off and almost hit Austin. "Shit bro, my bad."
"All good man, where y'all goin?"
"WalMart to stock up. Hurricane Party, 8 o'clock. Be there or be square!"
"Bet broski."
"Fuckin bet!"

We managed to make it to Caleb's truck without running into anyone else. So we left campus and drove down the road to WalMart.

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