C:4 Love is a Slippery Slope and We're Just Shredding It

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Earth. To. Alex. Holy shit was I already in deep. Now, I'm one of those dumb romantics who still believed love at first sight existed. That kinda burned me in the past. This girl though? Grace? Holy smokes. 

You realize how long you were lying to yourself when the truth finally comes along and pancakes your ass. Or in this case, Corey would be portraying the role of "The Truth" and I would be "Dumbass." 

"Bro! What the actual fuck?" I reply whilst laughing my ass off at the situation. "Was that really necessary?"
"Nah, but we need more plays for Never Have I Ever. So get ya ass over here," Corey retorted. Grace was luckily still standing by, having saved my drink. "Hey, You too, if you want to join."

Corey walked off to rejoin the circle of degenerates, figuring that we would be behind shortly.
"Grace, I'm sorry about that. We kinda..."
"Do dumb things cuz you're boys? Yeah, kinda figured. It happens."
"Wait, did you save my drink?"
"Yes sir, I did."
"Can we get married?"
Grace laughed my modest proposal off, which didn't hurt me as much as it hurt my pride, "What are you, some Army guy? I've known you for about what, five minutes?"
"Hey, hey, hey! I'm gonna join the Air Force if this whole 'Good College Try' thing doesn't work out. I guess I'm thinking like an Airman already, though," I joke back as I put an arm around her shoulder. 
She leaned into me, which was a good sign. "Let's see how bad you're going to hell in this Never Have I Ever game before we start ringing the wedding bells." 
I rolled my eyes flirtatiously, and we made our way into the circle. I plopped down next to Corey with a friendly slap upside his head. Grace sat next to me. There are a couple of other people I recognize from classes we've had, and events our RA pulled together. As I'm trying to put faces to names, my thought process is so rudely interrupted by Corey once again. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Lords and Ladies, Straights and Nots, welcome to the most fucked up game of Never Have I Ever you'll play at your time here attending South University. The goal of the game is simple, do more things, collect more cards, and you shall win!"

That's when I turn to Grace, "As a warning, this is going to end badly. So if you want to go ahead and divorce me now, I totally don't blame you whatsoever." 
She looked at me dead in the eyes with a smirk on her face, "Are you sure? I don't see a prenup."
"Damn, you're good," I said turning my attention back to the game. Not a moment too soon, because Corey was about to assault me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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