Surprise. Chapter 5.

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"twins" lance yelled as pidge laid on the hospital bed and the doctor was doing the scan of the baby or babies now. 

"yes, congratulations your having twins" The doctor smiled sweetly.

"well you did say you didnt want it easy" Pidge teased as lance turned to her still in shock making her giggle. 

"how many copies of the scan did you need" the doctor asked.

"lance sister wants one, my parents want one, lance parents want one, matt wants one, keith, hunk, shiro, your other siblings and we want one" Pidge mumble as she was counting the number.

"i can only print a maximum of eight copies but you could always you a photo copy the rest" the doctor smiled kindly. 

"thanks" Pidge smiled and the doctor nodded.

"twins" Lance said with a smile as he became less shock and more excited.

"is he going to be ok" the doctor asked with worry as she passed the photo scans over to pidge.

"he a little slow but dont worry he be fine" Pidge smiled and sat up. 

"I'm a dad of twins" lance cheered making pidge laugh before placing her hand on his arm.

"time to go home" Pidge smiled and lance nodded with a grin before taking her hand in his and walking out the room. 

Later on. 

"we gonna need to get a bigger house" Lance said with worry as cuddle on the couch with pidge.

"or we could just make the spare room into the twins room, the others can just sleep on the couch" Pidge smiled.

"but dont you want our cute little children playing in the garden, having water fights, enjoying the grass while we watch from the window" Lance smiled and kissed pidge cheek.

"that dose sound nice and i know flats dont give them that but we cant just suddenly move" Pidge said with a small smile.

"we save up" lance smiled.

"and that money will go towards buying their things" Pidge giggled.

"then we live here for a couple years and move into a bigger house" Lance smiled.

"sounds good to me" Pidge smiled and snuggle closer to lance.

"feeling scared" Lance asked with worry.

"I'm happy but nervous, i got two living things growing in me" Pidge said with a small smile.

"its going to be fine, i stay with you and help you as much as i can apart from the giving birth bit" Lance said with a smile before nervous chuckled.

"well you can hold my hand during that part or i kill you" Pidge giggle.

"whatever my KitKat wants" lance grinned and kissed her again. 

"how should we give the copies out to everyone, should we visit our parents and tell them the news before handing the scan photo over or send it by post" Pidge asked.

"i think we should see them in person, you can try and get your parents to stop working for two minutes and i talk to my family and get them to meet up at my mama house for a day" Lance smiled.

"got it" Pidge smiled. 

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