Family Trip. Chapter 6.

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"twins" Matt yelp before passing out making keith catch him. 

"two babies" Hunk said with a bright smile before passing out from shock.

"congrats on having tw" Shiro started to say with a kind smile before passing out.

"you killed shiro" Keith said with worry.

"we killed shiro with news" Lance said with fear.

"they be fine, its just shock from hearing about the twins" Pidge giggled and placed the scan photos on each body, well placing keith in his free hand and matt in his jacket pocket.

"I'm happy for you both, got any names or what gender or genders you might want" Adam asked with a kind smile.

"we got a couple names and we not sure about what gender we want yet" Pidge smiled kindly and placed a hand on her stomach thinking about the two living things growing inside of her. 

"keith kiss your passed out lover, we need to get going since its gonna be a long drive" Lance smiled and Kith kissed matt cheek before helping lance carry him to the couple car. 

"we call you once we arrived, dont start any trouble while we gone" Pidge smiled and sat in shotgun.

"your the only one who makes trouble" Keith smirked and gave a small wave.

"lets go tell our parents .. oh god I'm nervous" lance said with a small smile and started driving. 

The holts was going to meet the lovers and matt at the  McClain's home who offered to host everyone since pidge call saying she needed to speak with the mall. It was a four hour drive and the car ride was full of nerves wondering how the couple parents would take the news. Their second family made of their friends took it well but they always been supporting why parents can be a little different. After all the two only dating and living in a two bedroom flat while having busy lives at cops. They not married and still in early twenties making them seem insensible to start a family already. They were scared of their parents rejections mostly. Since matt already knew the news he would have to pretends he didnt know anything until pidge and lance tells everyone during dinner. 

They arrive at the McClain's and lance park the car in front of the house since the drive was filled by many other cars already.

"ready" Lance asked with a kind smile and he turned to pidge.

"ready" Pidge smiled and the two kissed knowing they wont get much time along after entering the house.

"you know I'm still in the car no longer passed out from shock" Matt said with a frown as he sat in the middle seat in the back looking at the two who just pulled away from the kiss.

"then get out so we can make out" Pidge smirked and pulled lance into another kiss.

"gross" Matt yelp and got out the car.

"make out sounds good to me" Lance chuckled and kissed pidge back but they soon pulled away knowing they had to enter the house with matt.

"mama, I'm home" Lance called out holding pidge hand as they walked in the door and matt stood next to Pidge unsure what to do.

"oh my baby, your gotten even taller" Mrs McClain's smiled brightly and hugged her son. (sorry I wont be doing any Spanish).

"hey mama, meet matt he pidge big brother" Lance smiled as Matt gave a small wave.

"nice to meet you, welcome to our home but see it as your home" Mrs McClain's smiled brightly and bought matt into a tight hug.

"thanks for having me and my little sis" Matt grinned as they broke away from the hug.

"oh and look at you, you seem even more beautiful then the last time" McClain's smiled and hugged pidge who greatly hugged back and smiled.

"and your as pretty as always mama, food smells great as always" Pidge smiled and Mrs McClain's chuckled.

"doing my baby and his wonderful future wife favourites with a little help from your mother" Mrs McClain's smiled.

"our parents here, mind if we pop over and say hi" Matt smiled.

"sure, I think they outside" Mrs McClain's smiled.

"thanks, be right back my little thief" Pidge smiled and kissed lance before leading matt to the back.

"got yourself a keeper" Mrs McClain's smiled brightly and wink to her son.

"yeah, I do mama" Lance smiled and blushed.

"Katie" Mr holt smiled and hugged his daughter while Mrs holt hugged matt.

"how have you both been" Mrs Holt smiled.

"great, I just finished looking over a body from a messed up killer and he somehow crushes the bones" Matt started to say with a grin but stopped after Pidge elbowed him in the side after seeing the other faces who was listening to the story.

"sorry, police cases aren't the best thing to talk about" Pidge chuckled and everyone smiled at the siblings.

"as pretty as always my dear birdy" Mr McClain's smiled and hugged pidge.

"thank you papa and you look at funny as ever" Pidge smiled making the old man chuckle since it was there little joke after all the first time lance bought pidge to meet his family his father was wearing only rainbow underwear since he just had a bath. 

"work not being too hard I hope" Mrs Holt asked with a worried smile.

"no way, I show them criminals who boss" Pidge giggled.

"she even shows the other cops who boss, they all scared of little Katie here" Matt laughed.

"that my girl" Mr Holt grinned and kissed his daughter head. 

Everyone talked and laughed as they all caught up what happened over the last year. They all sat outside for dinner with pidge and lance sitting at one end of the table making it easy for all attention to land on them as they stood up once everyone finished eating.

"excuse me everyone, me and Katie have some news to share" Lance said with a bright smile and placed an arm around pidge.

"I'm pregnant with twins" Pidge smiled brightly and everyone but matt mouth dropped at the news. At first it was silent then everyone formed a smile before cheering for the lovers. 

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