Chapter three [edited]

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Minwa:"No way your lying!"

Me:"Nope I'm not lying." I said smirking.

Minwa:"Fine I'll go to your class tomorrow."


Minwa:"Do you want to get a cup of coffee?"

Me:"Okay I'll come to your house."


I hung up and put on a floral dress with a jean jacket and a maroon scarf and for my shoes I wore a black combat boots (and black stalkings).

While I was getting out of the house I heard my name I turned and saw all of my class mates.

Luhan:"Yoona where are you going?"

I ignored them and walked away as if I didn't hear, but that was a bad choice they came running towards me.

Sungyeol:"Hey Yoona did you hear him?"

Me:"Oh hey guys didn't see you guys there." I lied impatiently turning around.

L:"Oh well, where are you going?"

Me:"Just to a friends house."

Jackson:"Can we come with?"

Me:"Well-" I was cut of by Jb.

Jb:"Yes she let's us go come on guys let's follow her."He said pushing me to guide the way.

When we got to Minwa's house I tried to hide all of them behind me but that didn't work because I was only 5'6 and they were all taller than me. And Minwa finally came in.

Me:"Hi do you want to go right now because I really am thirsty." I said trying to distract her from 26 guys behind me.

Minwa:"Who are they?"

Me:"I don't know some guys of the street."

Luhan:"No we're her class mates." he said getting out of the line, "But I prefer her as my girlfriend."

I blushed at that because I never had a guy say that to me before.

Minwa:"Ommo are you guys from EXO, got7, and infinite?"

Yugyeom:"You got that right."

Minwa:"Oh cool!"she said running towards me, "Oh my gosh I thought that you were lying the whole time!"

Me:"Well I told you I wasn't lying anyways go hang out with them while I lead the way okay?"

Minwa:"Okay!" she said happily skipping to her favorite one Kris.

**--At the coffee shop--**

After we all got our coffee we walked to the park.

Luhan: "Who wants to play games!?"

All of us raised our hands and we voted to play tag, hide and seek, soccer, basket ball, and racing. We all voted basket ball so we head over to the basket ball quart and Luhan of course the bossy one made up the teams.

I was on his team and on the other side was Jb's team.

When we started playing I was about to make a basket but chanyeol slapped it out of my hand.

Me:"Hey chanyeol why'd you do that!"

Chanyeol:"Because thats how I play!"He said laughing

Luhan:"Hey! Chanyeol that's cheating!"

Chanyeol:"To bad complain to me when you get over it."

So the next game I had the ball again so instead of throwing the ball across the quart where Chanyeol could possibly catch it Luhan carried me to the basket and I through it into the basket.


Chanyeol:"Hey you guys cheated!"

Me:"Complain to me when you get over it."

Chanyeol:"Hey that's my line you can't steal it!"

Me:"Well to bad I just did."

Chanyeol:"Hey!get back here!"

**--After basket ball--**

We all went to my house and sat in the living room.

Yongjae:"Yoona are you taken?"

Me:"Why do you want to know?"

Yongjae:"Just because."

Me:"Actually no I'm not."

Yongjae:"Why don't you have one?"

Me:"I don't know."

While they were all talking I went outside in the backyard. it was beautiful outside it was a sun set. I sometimes wish my dad was here but he has a job where they have to go around the world a lot so that's why he's not always here and when ever he is here he only stay's for one or two days.

He would always say that I was beautiful and that one day I would find my true love and marry him. I secretly liked Luhan a lot but he doesn't know that he kinda admitted he liked me when he said he preferred me as his girlfriend, I pulled out my head phones and my phone and I blasted on Baby don't cry. I sung at the top of my lungs then when that song was done I sung Black pearl and when that song was over I took off my head phones and I heard someone clapping I turned around and saw Luhan.

Me:"Were you there the whole entire time!?"

Luhan:"Yup I was even here long enough to hear both songs."

Me:"Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to sing your groups song so horribly."

Luhan:"No actually you sing very well."

Me:"Thank you" I said embarrassed.

Luhan:"So you said you like me?" he said sitting next to me

Me:"Well that was before I saw how you actually look like."

Luhan:"Are you calling me ugly?"

Me:"No I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that oh my gosh I'm so very sorry!"

Luhan:"So you said you weren't dating anybody...right?"

Me:"Yeah why?"

Luhan:"Because I want to ask you something?"

Me:"What?" I said looking him in the eye.

Luhan:"Will you go out with me?"


Luhan:"Listen you don't have to if you don't want oh my god I'm such an idiot why would you say yes to a dummy like me!"



Me:"I never said no." I said lifting his chin up so he would be looking at me.

Luhan:"Does that mean a yes!?"


Luhan:"Yes, woo-hoo!"

Me:"So when did you start liking me?"

Luhan:"When I first saw you walk into the class."

Me:"Did you tell your members?"

Luhan:"Yeah why?"

Me:"Oh so you were the one they were talking about and that also explains why you weren't there."

Luhan:"What did they say they were determine to get you to notice me?"

Me:"Yup why?"

Luhan:"Because they did that to my ex-girlfriend."

Me:"Is she that one popular girl at school?"

Luhan:"Yup did she tell you to stay away from me?"


I don't know how but our hands were getting closer together and then we ended up holding hands.

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