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(Part One)


The sky was set ablaze by the masses of fireballs aimed in our direction. ‘We cannot escape her,’ Enya screamed as she swerved to the side, unable to avoid the fiery bullets, as one scorched her grey, furry bottom.

Thinking we had the advantage of knowing the forest at night and having two more legs than the furiously dark-haired witch, we thought we could outrun her wrath, but with the darkness oozing from the aura that ferociously swirled around her tall, thin frame and broke through the chilling scars covering her pale, withered face, we knew she would not give up easily.

Parting her trail, like Moses separated the Rea Sea, the trees no longer hid our furry presence as they divided to form her fiery path of fury.

Too powerful to deny her erratic control, the elements were now being manipulated by her vengeful rage in this deadly war she had created to exact her bloody revenge on her terrified, fleeing targets.

Birds hastily evacuated their nests as the midnight sky confused their flight, resulting in many crashing into others as they ended up drowning in the black, shimmering lake below. They flapped frantically as they tried to avoid their watery end; we looked on, unable to indulge in the free feast that was rapidly falling from above.

Squirrels scampered into the distance as they were forced to leave their winter supply of nuts to find safer pastures as they attempted to avoid being blasted to pieces by the volatile fire and lightning bolts this psychotic witch was firing in all directions with deadly intent.

As she continued to fire her lethal ammunition, hues of black, red and grey mist began to whirl around her, growing in intensity and speed, as we maintained our distance from the developing merciless tornado.

As we dodged the petrified forest creatures, who endeavoured to escape from this deadly magical war, the incensed witch started to get more resourceful and began to combine her fireballs with larger lightning bolts, which had a much better range. ‘I knew you shouldn’t have attacked her sister,’ Enya screamed as one of the lightning bolts hit her heel and she came tumbling to the ground with a halt.

I ran over to aid her, but I could see it was bad. ‘Go, save yourself before they kill you too,’ she screamed as the cloudy sky could not maintain her beautiful natural form any longer and the long, smoky fur paws and paranormal strength dispersed, leaving a weak, shaking, naked girl lying on the cold ground in the foetal position as her human foot watered the parched forest mud with her thick, crimson blood.

Knowing I needed to get her out of the open space and away from the other threat – the circling Lycans ready to collect their targets – I carefully opened my mouth and scooped her shivering frame into the warmth of my jagged jaw as I tried to avoid tasting any of her human blood. ‘We need to get to the fairies and get to the “Healing Stream of Terra”, otherwise your foot will not make it,’ I whispered as I bounded away to find a safe haven.

Managing to find a small ditch to the east of the increasingly determined witch, I looked around to see how much time we had before the pack detected us and alerted the witch to our new hideaway. I pressed onto her wound with my enlarged black paw and tried to apply pressure to the shattered ankle as the flowing blood drenched my fur.

Attempting to try to ignore my overwhelmed senses urging me to take delight in this tender feast, I looked around to see if my fellow brothers and sisters smelt Enya’s human blood, which would alert them to our exact location within seconds.

My eyes started to glow yellow with thirst as I struggled to control the yearning, leaning forward as the blood consumed my mind and took over my craving snout as my tongue escaped and headed in the direction of the blood pool. ‘Please go! Save yourself,’ she cried as her body started to shut down, unable to cope with the excruciating pain, and she began to spasm out of control as the blood continued to pour from the open wound.

The Lycans circled the fiery scene from a distance, fearing getting caught in the explosive crossfire as they initially waited to get to their fleeing fugitives. ‘It’s all my fault. Leave me here and run!’ Enya cried as she struggled to remain conscious through the severe agony.

‘I’ll never leave you. We’ve gone through too much to admit defeat now,’ I whispered as the explosions lit the midnight sky, highlighting the new close proximity of the other Lycans.

Sniffing the smoky air, I knew the overwhelming smell of Enya’s blood would ignite the determination in them and, as I looked around, I could feel they were only a few metres away as they frantically searched above us, slightly disorientated by the wild witch’s erratic blasts aimed all over the forest.

Enya’s eyes rolled back into her head as her breathing began to get heavier and more distorted and I knew I didn’t have a lot of time left. ‘Let me go. You know we shouldn’t be…’ she panted as the lack of breath began to affect her speech.

I knew we shouldn’t be together and I knew if we made it out of this, we would have a lot more enemies to face than just this destructive witch and these unyielding Lycans, but I couldn’t lose her.

It wasn’t a thought in my head.

I did not care she was a werewolf; I would go out of my way to protect her, as without her I had nothing and I was not going to let this vengeful witch and these merciless Lycans take her away from me.

Looking down at my forbidden quivering mate, I vowed from that moment to show this ruthless witch exactly what I should have done to her sister, Faith, if she hadn’t had her bodyguards with her and should I make it out of the forest alive, things would change and I would make it clear this Lycan would be with a werewolf regardless of the rules. There was too much at stake to let go now… 

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***If you cannot wait for me to update this story EVERY FRIDAY, the full book is available to purchase on Amazon, Smashwords, B&N, Kobo and iBooks***

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