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(Part Eleven)

As she attempted to pick up her pencil, she was distracted by the boy sitting next to the mysterious boy as he slowly got to the pencil before she did and picked it up in a zombie-like state.

A big crowd gathered and moved the girl away from the trans-like boy as his desk buddy continued to mouth things to him as though he was controlling his actions.

Before I could investigate further, he handed the pencil to the confused girl and managed to regain control over himself as the bell sounded and jolted him out of his robotic condition before running out of the classroom, confused and scared of what had just happened to him.

I returned my attention to my own desk buddy in amazement as she concluded. 'Welcome to Laxo High. I know we shouldn't, but I suggest we stick together as he looks like a reckless vampire who doesn't care about drawing attention to himself and she looks like a witch whose curiosity will soon kill her cat if it doesn't kill her first.' She laughed as I couldn't believe there were other beings at the school and more importantly in my class.

Completely in shock at the identity of the pair, I almost dismissed the fact that she had reservations about wanting us to stick together. 'I don't need friends, thanks,' I spat and her smile dispersed as sadness filled her eyes.

I pulled my chair away in anger at her rejection, as she batted the hair away from her face and whispered, 'I didn't mean to offend you, but I don't want to get into trouble for hanging out with your kind.'

I gave her a steely stare as I knew I didn't have the latest shoes or was perfectly groomed like the other boys in the class, but I never thought her welcoming smile would hide this snobby personality. 'My kind?!' I growled as the frustration at constantly being outcast was beginning to get to me.

Feeling the change in atmosphere, she put her nervous hand on my clenched fist as I tried to maintain my upset and she asked, 'You're a Lycan, aren't you?' I dropped my pen in shock at being exposed. 'How do you know?' I muttered, looking around to make sure no one could hear our incriminating conversation.

Her beautiful smile returned as she sighed with relief at the thought of not offending me. 'So you're a were...' I stammered as I was surprised to meet a female werewolf as I had never associated with one before and I realised why she stated we were not supposed to be in communication and sighed with a heavy heart.

From a young age I was told Lycans and werewolves were two completely different paranormal beings, but was never told why until the year before my mother died.

As my grandfather pulled my favourite bedtime story from the bookshelf, my inquisitive nature kicked in and I asked him why the wolves were different colours when we went on our hunts.

Gazing down at my questioning eyes, he knew it was time to give me a better answer than, 'They're just from different countries, but just stay with me and the black and white ones and you'll be fine.'

Going to his bedroom and returning with an old mahogany box, he opened the art deco engraved wooden case and revealed an A4 thick, brown leather book wrapped in a thick copper sheet. 'What is that, Grandpa?' I asked as I reached out for the musty volume with impatience.

He chuckled at my eagerness and opened the first page. 'What are Lycans?' I continued as he rolled his eyes at my impatience and settled on the end of my red car-themed bed as he started to read the story of how we became to be these special types of beings.

'Elders are special paranormal beings who possess the most power for their circle. Many myths have been created about how the Elders were chosen, but none have been conclusive. All we do know is that there is an Elder for each mythical circle and along with creating rules and regulations for all beings from their chambers through council members, they only leave their thrones once a century to go to the Namuh World to turn four lucky Namuhs.'

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***Only Chapter One will be published on Wattpad but the full book is available to purchase on Amazon and Smashwords for $0.99***

Thanks everyone! :)  

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