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Author Note: First chapter is just a quick intro type chapter, giving a very small glimpse into the very first VK day.

Parent backstories are provided in the first installment of this series, titled Good is the New Bad.

            It was the dawn of a new day in Auradon, the sun was just beginning to light up the land. It was still very early by anyone's standards, and yet the young newly crowned King was wide awake and had been for hours. Finally, with the pale light starting to peek through the windows he rose from his bed and made his way out onto the balcony, pulling on a robe as he went. Ben breathed in the fresh air, the breeze a welcome chill as he gazed out over the coast, the water glinting from the light. His eyes rested on the lone island off their shores, the Isle of the Lost. Although he thought it looked like it would be gloomier inside of it, the dome around it seemed to sparkle from the outside, as if hiding the horrors of his father's reign, the casualties of heroes' shame and resentment beneath it. Today would be a day that would go down in history, he could feel it.


Today was the day, and Evie had risen far before the dim gloom of dawn had begun to light up the streets. Sitting in the salon chair she gushed over her young stylist's work, enthused by her hard work and talent. Dizzy Tremaine was younger, and Evie had quickly bonded with the girl over their shared love of the fashion scene. Today would be the last time for awhile that the two girls would see each other, and Evie let the young protégé go wild with her hair. A new look for a new chapter, she told her.


Freddie, like Evie, had been up for hours before the gloomy dawn peeked through her bedroom window, or rather through her and Celia's bedroom window. Gently she ran her hand along her still sleeping sister's head. At her core Freddie was a family girl, she was a daddy's girl and her sister's keeper, it was just part of who she was. She would loathe to leave them both when the time came, but for now she enjoyed holding her sister closely in the still morning.


Most days the daughter of Maleficent readily rose with the sunrise, but today she pulled the pillow over her head with a groan. Even if she did eventually come out on top, she really shouldn't have matched Jay shot for shot last night, she acknowledged. Five more minutes. She decided, I need five more minutes.


Jay, used to having to deal with a hangover, was already up across town making sure Carlos was packed and ready while they made sure his father Jafar would ensure Grimhilde would get the supplies for Evie's potion medicine for Ella. The young genius had discovered she was quite good at making potion medicine and had recently put together a regiment for Carlos's mother. They had yet to see the medicines yield any results, but they needed Grimhilde to continue brewing it with the supplies that Jafar would make sure he got to her. The only problem left was figuring out who would check on Cruella and when to make sure she was actually taking it as Evie prescribed.


Down by the docks, Harry woke in the Captain's quarters on the Lost Revenge to his stunningly beautiful, yet very deadly, Captain's lips and fingers trailing on his bare skin, gently lulling him from sleep. "Uma." The way he said her name never failed to send thrills through her, and she kissed up his neck and jaw in response, making her way to his lips. Fingers threaded into her braids and they spent precious time alone in her cabin wrapped together until the crew alerted them to the arrival of the prestigious golden Auradonian limos.

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