Dorm Rooms

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Chapter Summary: The VK's get shown to their new dorm rooms and Ben apologizes.

Note: I made a small change to the end of chapter 3, sorry guys! I just realized It'd be better, for me anyways, if they don't know that Uma was cussing King Adam out just yet. He doesn't know who she is, and doesn't really need to know just yet, and unfortunately that might give it away.

I may or may not come back and add snippets of them exploring their rooms/deciding if they like the dorm/unpacking to this chapter. I haven't decided yet, so we'll see.

The tour ended up being rather short, led by Ben and Fairy Godmother because after that eventful ride over, and among some of the first people they saw was the King Beast, the teens were exhausted, and their limit had quickly been met. "So, does this tour involved showing the people where they get to sleep? Because I for one, am seriously exhausted." Mal joked with Ben loudly, it would take a little bit of time for her hearing to balance back out and ears to heal. He flushed, "Oh, of course!" again, he mentally face-palmed for not seeing the tired look on their faces. "Dorms are right this way." He gestured.

"Your things were gathered from the limo and were already brought up." he informs them, to their relief. They hadn't been given the opportunity or chance to grab it themselves as they had felt like they were shuffled out of the courtyard rather quickly after Uma's... greeting.

"Great." Evie smiled at him.

"I think you can handle it from here, Prince Ben." Fairy Godmother smiled at him and took her leave, leaving the ten Isle teens alone with the future King of Auradon.

As they wound through the hallways he was silent, which from what they saw of him thus far, was unusal. Stopping in front of a door he turned, "I know I didn't say it before and I should have, but I'm really really sorry about Audrey. She shouldn't have treated you like that." He apologized and Mal could feel the sincerity in his voice. He was seriously apologetic, and he wasn't the one who did anything wrong.

"Hey, it's okay." Evie tried to shrug it off, she thought Ben shouldn't feel guilty about something he had nothing to do with, and Ben shook his head.

"That's the thing, is that it's really not." he denied, "I'm sorry about Audrey and I'm sorry that your welcome was... rough. And with what happened to your family, I know that there is no apology, no word, no action; there is nothing I could ever say or do will be enough. But please know that I tell you now with the utmost sincerity, that I am so sorry that your family went through something so traumatic, and at my father's hand no less." He clenched his jaw.

Uma reached out and put her hand on his shoulder, looking to Evie.

"It's not your fault Ben, you were barely a baby." she conveyed her cousin's message. Ben was a smart boy, and he quickly connected the dots between Uma's action and Evie's words. He quickly connected that they were family, and that it was Uma's siblings who were lost. Once he made that connection he thought about the steely glare in her eyes when she saw his father King Adam, and knew that Harry was sparing them from the fact that she probably said something with quite... inappropriate language, justified but inappropriate.

Shaking away the gloom he patted his pockets and pulled out the key sets. "Uh, here we go." he handed one to Evie and one to Mal, "So,Genevieve and Maladia, right?" they nodded, "Oh, but uh, I go by Mal." she informed him and Evie chimed in, "And we're friends, so you can call me Evie." she smiled warmly at him. He returned the smile, "You two are sharing this one."

"Jillian and Desiree?" he asked, holding out the next set, "You two are actually right across the hall here." he gestured to the other room. The two pirate girls nodded, accepting their keys.

Instead of waiting in their rooms the girls followed to find out where the boys rooms were. "Jaylen and Carlos, you guys are in this one. Harrison and Guillaume you're across the hall." he pointed to each room before handing them the keys. "I go by Harry, and he's just Gil." He glowered at his full name, though Gil didn't seem to mind hearing his. "Now, what about Uma? Where is she?" he narrowed his eyes at the boy King. "Yeah, and me?" Freddie chimed in.

"Uma and Freddie, you guys are right down this way." he motioned to follow, which of course they did. "I'm sorry, making you loop back around. I guess I'm a little scatterbrained today. We passed right by it on our way over here."

Uma hooked her pinky around Harry's discreetly, tugging the taller pirate along by her side. They walked close enough that no one was the wiser. "You two are right here." he finally stopped after making a few more turns back the way they came. Their dorm was a midway point between the other boys and girls, they noticed, like a divider. "Here's your keys." he handed them each one.

"I will let you guys get settled in." he offers, "And I can come around to pick you up around dinnertime if you want? Show you a bit of the grounds and where the cafeteria is. No pressure, if I stop by and you don't feel like it, that's fine too." he shrugged,. The teens waved as he disappeared around the corner before turning and sharing a look.

Listening to Uma they spread back out, going back to unpack their things and settle into their rooms as directed. Harry lingered, "Captain." he pouted, as she waved him away to go with Gil back to their room. With a groan and a pout settling onto his lips he went with the promise that he would be back by her side soon. 

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