Leaving the Isle

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Chapter Summary: The ten kids chosen get escorted away from their home, and after a lifetime without magic, at least one of the magical kids bodies negatively reacts to being outside the barrier and surrounded by magic for the first time.

Author's Note: PS: Because Uma doesn't have a voice yet, she uses signs, looks, and body language to communicate. I have anything I want her to 'say' in italics.

It was nearly midday and the Isle rallied around the ten teens who were being taken to Auradon. Crowds came in droves to see them off in the pristine golden limousines that had been sent to pick them up. Standing tall they said their goodbyes to their friends, family, and home, hoping they would have the chance to see them all again eventually. Uma couldn't help looking back at the rest of her crew before she, Harry, Gil, Desiree and Jillian got ready to duck through the door. The drivers already inside she knew they wouldn't see it and in a final act of solidarity before she would go a long time away from most of her crew, she took the sword from her side and raised it in the air. Harry got to a knee in front of her and raised his own to her, and immediately after he started to go down the rest of the Warf Rats followed, her name a chant falling from their lips. With her eyes she promised them this wasn't goodbye, that she would be back for them all. She sheathed her sword and the crew called out their motto for her as their captain, her first mate, and four of their fellow crew members slide into the vehicle, "We ride with the tide!"

The second the doors were fully closed the Limo drivers began to drive, not giving the children in the back much chance to adjust and get comfortable in the large, lavish space. With the jolt the small sea-witch was almost thrown to the floor, Harry's arms had shot out to keep her steady and saved her from getting a face-full of carpet. Her lips twitched with a scowl towards the divider, which the drivers had closed immediately after Carlos asked what the buttons did. (Evie thought that was quite rude of them, if you ask her.) Freddie turned and watched through the back window, catching the gaze of her father and sister she waved. "I love you." She mouthed to them one last time before they were out of sight.

The barrier came down and the young Islanders eyes widened, fear coursing through their veins as they looked out the windows in utter horror at the empty sea in front of them. "They're trying to kill us!" Carlos wasn't the only one to screech in panic, many of the teens grabbed at each other, screaming for their lives. Harry crushed Uma to his chest and the other three pirates grabbed on, forming a protective barrier around their Captain. Mal and Evie clutched at each other, Evie squeezing her eyes shut as Carlos wound himself around Jay who was reaching for the two girls whom they considered their sisters. Freddie curled up into a ball between them all. After a few seconds of screaming, they slowly began to stop screaming, and hesitantly Uma lifted her head from Harry's neck and cracked an eye, curious.

She blinked in surprise, and gently started tapping Harry's arm to get him to open his eyes and look, which of course he did, obliging his Captain's wishes. His mouth dropped for a second before he barked out a laugh. "Well, would'ja look at that."

Choruses of "Oh", "Wow", "Is- is that magic?" came from all around the limo as they looked around in wonder at the glimmering translucent bridge that was appearing out of nowhere. After a few seconds outside of the barrier, Uma twitched her nose and tensed. She didn't feel right. The magic in her veins was starting to scream at her as it awoke, and it was not happy. Silently she gripped at Harry's hand as she let out a gasp of pain and screwed her eyes shut. "Captain?" he looked at her, unnerved. "Uma? What's wrong lass?" He murmured into her hair as she almost trembled in his arms, but she didn't respond, unable to hear him due to the thudding of her heartbeat in her ears, the sound of the waves crashing becoming more and more deafening.

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