Chapter Two: Braces

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Warren sat in his wheelchair, his new guard pushing him down the hallway.  He was secured firmly into the chair.  The only think he could move were his feet, which were cuffed and bound to make sure he wouldn't pull one of his "stunts".

"You hungry hun?" Said Oliver.  Oliver set Warren in a high chair, bucking him in.  Two between his legs, two across his chest, two keeping his ankles strapped against the chair.  Oliver grabbed a cup of applesauce, starting to feed Warren, who complied.  He smiles a bit, ruffling Warrens greasy hair, which clearly hadn't been washed in days.  Warren blushed intensely, giggling softly as he was fed spoonfuls of the applesauce, which was better than what he normally ate, which was just his medicine and some milk. He was a pretty picky eater in general. Even as a child he only ever ate certain food. Oliver smiled at the boy.

Oliver's POV:

Maybe the new ward wouldn't be too bad. My patient seems nice enough. Better than the last guy. I don't even wanna think about it. Imagine having to baby a psychopathic older women, with little to no brain power left. After she died, I was assigned to the nursery ward. I've always heard the patients here were sweet, but some liked to pick fights.

I finished feeding the boy. His name's Warren. He was a sweetheart already. I could tell he was a shy little one, with black hair, brown eyes, tan skin, short and cute. What's more to ask for? I placed him back into his wheelchair, strapping him in. He didn't fight. Hopefully when changing time comes he'll be on good behavior. Warren had on a pink diaper with yellow stars. His straitjacket was plain pale blue, with lots of straps. I wonder if he's good at escaping.

I put the boy on the changing table, starting to change his wet diaper. The poor baby must have had this one on for a while. She was developing some nasty diaper rash. I put some baby powder on his parts, which he squealed when he saw me powdering him. I gently strapped a new diaper into him, smiling.  Warren looked at me with happy eyes, giggling softly and babbling.  I picked up the boy, nuzzling him as I put him back in the wheelchair.  I checked his schedule, which was on a piece of paper that the doctors wrote. 

9:30- Wake up time
9:45- Feeding and Medicine
10:00- Diaper Changes (Call nurse if patient is refusing to use the diaper)
10:30- Check up with the Dentist
11:30- Quiet time
12:00- Feeding and Medicine
12:30- Nap time
2:00- Play time
3:30- Diaper Changes
4:00 to 5:30- Dinner (Caregiver decides when to bring patient in)
6:00- Bath and Get ready for bed
7:00- Last Diaper Change
7:30- Patient should be in cell being properly restrained by Nurse
8:00- Bedtime (Make sure patient is secured, pacified, and given a sleeping pill if they have night terrors)

I checked the new watch I had gotten for my 20th Birthday.  The time read "10:25".  It was about time to take Warren to get his teeth checked.  I pushed his wheelchair down the hall, to the dental room.  Warren started to sob instantly.  I held him in my arms as I went in.  The doctor asked me kindly to stay close to him, because it would calm him.  The Dentist strapped Warren down to the seat, putting a retractor in his mouth.  I watched, keeping my hand on Warrens thigh.  He was put under, to insure safety.  I watched as the man worked on Warrens mouth. 

I read a book and waited for at least 45 minutes.  When it was finally over, I looked at Warren.  He had braces along all of his teeth, an expander in his mouth, and lots of metal wires.  The poor boy was gonna be in so much pain.  It looked horrible.  He woke up a while later, sobbing.  I held him as he tried to speak, but all that came out were lisps.  The expander was big for us tiny mouth, and made it hard for him to speak.  I rubs his back, sighing.  He was pretty upset with me.  As I carried him away, he whispers to me, with tears in his eyes
"I-It h-hurss" Said Warren with a lisp.  I felt horrible.
"I know baby bear.  It will get better.  I promise.." I tried to reassure him.  He only had to have it on for 6 months, but he told me the process was going to be very intense.  I put 4 rubber bands in his mouth, which made him cry even more.  I tried to cheer him up with stuffed animals, cookies, snuggles, but nothing worked.  I was devastated.  I hated seeing such a good boy go though so much pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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