Chapter 3

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Photos up above are actual NatGeo pictures.


As we drove back home all I could think of was ' I have three children. Three beautiful boys.' My thoughts ran wild with how life would now be with mine and Liams' new additions. We will have five place mats at the table, we will drive to schools every morning, we will actually do fun things on the weekends instead of stupid adult things, we will hopefully be called dad and papa ( even though I do want to be called Mommy), and we will feel whole as a family.

I looked over to Liam and saw that he was laughing really hard. That snapped me out of my thoughts. Along with the sound of two other joyful laughs. I turned around and saw Harry and Louis cracking up, while Zayn was silently drawling in his notebook.

" Hey Zayn, " he looked up towards me and asked me what. " Can we know what you're drawling?" He looked down at his work, and then looked out the window. Finally, after a few seconds he spoke.

" I like to keep my work to myself. If that's okay?" He looked at me as if he would get hit for declining my request to see his work; which of course would never happen.

" Yes Love, that's perfectly okay. Though, if you ever feel like sharing I love art. All types of art too. I'm a Photographer, it's in my nature to love all types of art." As I spoke Liam turned to me with sad eyes. I had to stop photography because my work made me travel around the world too much. Which it not ideal when starting a family.

" Really? You're a photographer?" This time Zyan looked at me with awe dancing in his eyes.

" Yes, I am. Or was really. I quit my job a National Geographic three years ago..." I pondered on telling the boys why I quit. But I felt like they needed to know. " I was always traveling around the world, and it made life really fun, but really hard too. I wasn't home for more than two weeks at a time. Liam and I barely got time together. It was hard trying to create a life while I was working, so I quit. Now, I stay home and do random things around the house. But of course, now I have you three to spend my days with." By the time I stopped talking we had arrived home, and the boys started to unbuckle.

" Okay boys how about I take your things to your rooms while Niall shows you the main floor. Sound good?" Liam looked at the young boys waiting for a response.
A collective response of 'Yeah' rang throughout the large foray.
I looked at my sons and just wanted to hug them. But that'd be awkward for the time being...
Zayn surprisingly was the first to speak. " So, are we sharing rooms or have our own?" His face was calm even with his nose twitching slightly.
" You all have your own rooms... And a large play room." The boys eyes went large and mouths turned upward.
" Really?!" Harry jumped up and down. Louis, was grinning. And Zayn could be heard whispering " cool".
" Okay guys lets head to the Den first."
As we walked into the Den, I explained to the boys this was where we set our Christmas tree up and had small gatherings.

We moved into the dining room and the boys bombarded me with questions as to why the table was so big

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We moved into the dining room and the boys bombarded me with questions as to why the table was so big. I of course explained that we sometimes have dinner parties and need a big table; even more so now that we have them.

As we moved into the kitchen we passed a small bathroom and the Garage door

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As we moved into the kitchen we passed a small bathroom and the Garage door. The kitchen was where Zayn opened up even more. Which I was very happy about.

" Wow, this kitchen is amazing! That oven is beautiful! Could we make foods together?" Zayn quickly exclaimed while looking at me

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" Wow, this kitchen is amazing! That oven is beautiful! Could we make foods together?" Zayn quickly exclaimed while looking at me.
" Yes, we can. How 'bout tonight we make dinner together?" Zayn shook his head fast saying yes.
We moved to the living room which had giant moving windows to the backyard. Which housed a pool and beautiful garden. The living room was large and fit lots of people.

We all sat down and waited for Liam to come down stairs

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We all sat down and waited for Liam to come down stairs.


Hey guys, sorry updates have been slow and not very long. Life's been a bitch. I've gone through hell these pst few months's so sorry for the wait. Don't know when chapter 4 will be up. Again sorry for slow updates.

- Abbi

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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