Chapter One- Celebration! No more Hogwarts!

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Thus, the six friends sat outside of the three broomsticks in Hogsmead, as they had just celebrated their last year of Hogwarts, where Lucas Damian, a stunning young wizard with light brown hair, and hazel eyes stood with a smile. top of his year in Ravenclaw getting a acceptational result on the N.E.W.T Exam getting many offers for shops in Diagon Alley, the ministry and even in two years a position at Hogwarts itself. Though he'd never accept it.. His friends from other houses, such as a youthful and smart girl named, Quigley Gaia (A.k.a Quiggy as only the group called her this.), a brilliant, loyal, and friendly Hufflepuff. she wore glasses, with darker hair as she smiled. Adrian Cross A young dark headed boy who was in Slytherin unlike the others was not a full blood freak, did not care of status or anything and was friends with the best. Then we had the couple who were goofy but funny and what gave the group something to aspire for as they were happy, and they worked well as a team against all that would bully them, or try to duel them in the past. Benny Hartman and Mia September made a brilliant duo they were both brave and proud Gryffindors, His friend who was also a now Graduated Hufflepuff, Makswell Winters, who had shorter hair but was growing longer which was very pretty and she was about short most of the girls were in their little group. Now Sadly Lucas was having to leave his dear friend who was also a Hufflepuff named, Margot Gray who had dark beautiful skin with darker brown hair and had a very smart posture about her. She was now going to be starting her 7th year this next year at Hogwarts after the summer break. Who which as we speak walked up to the group, hugging them one by one. as she said her farewells, as Lucas looked at her and smiled, "Trust me. This year will be over fast before you know it.. We will all write especially me, any students give any trouble I'll pop in with a chat with Professor Deamon the headmaster.." He said with care, as Margot responded, "As long as you all write every day then it'll be fine." They nodded and walked off slowly to the outer markings of the schools barriers Apperating out of the area back to their now shared home they all pitched in to buy as a hideout and place to start their order, and do what they said. To become the best brightest witches and wizards of all time, to vanquish all of Voldemort's remaining army members and due away with all evil.

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