Chapter Nineteen- The Death Eaters New Leader

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Slowly a short haired man wearing a long black cloak walked across the forest, meeting with a bunch of eager, ready Death Eaters, as they had all bowed, as he smirked, "Greetings. Everyone, as you may know we have lost many of our pure blood brothers and sisters, due to that dumb group Merlin's Third Order, if our great dark lord, Lord Voldemort was alive... they wouldn't stand a chance, they are no Harry Potter." He said as he walked around, "Luckily, their leader. Lucas Damian, is off right now with our young brother Liam Damian, he has been tasked to kill him." They all cheered as he held up his hand, "But the real reason that i called this meeting is because he has something that could complicate things, even if he's with Liam he has something that could destroy him then us. The Elder Wand the weapon the great dark lord used against Potter, lets just hope this young man is up to the task.

Meanwhile with Lucas, and Liam

They walked for countless hours as they chatted talking about their childhood before Hogwarts, and how they missed their parents and that Liam had only became a Death Eater was because of the fact that he was going through a bad faze that he wanted to hurt anyone, even if it was his own cousin, and his childhood friend. As he said this, he thought on it remembering his mission as he started crying, "I-I'm so, so sorry Lucas.." Lucas looked over at him softly setting a hand on his shoulder, "Liam..?" Liam sat down, as he started to explain. "They had sent me to kill you Lucas, I don't know if i can what would everyone think I wouldn't be the same without you man!" Lucas gave a sad smile and answered, "You have to, maybe not today. and maybe not tomorrow. But it has to happen, there is fall back plans, they will know what to do in time... and you. You have to step up and fight against them too."

Back to Drago

The sky darkened as he took out his wand pulling his sleeve up as he touched his tattoo on his arm as the sky twirled as the symbol of the dark mark was in the sky as Death Eater's and Snatchers caused havoc, destroying shops and everything and burning forests down. "That's right my brothers and sisters, turn this wizarding and muggle world into nothing but ash, we are the only royals here mud-bloods and muggles will die and pure blood wizards will rule!

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