Chapter Seventeen- Valentine's Day Ball

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The headmaster and Lucas walked around talking about things for at least four hours recollecting about his years at Hogwarts as he turned looking at him, "Professor, you must know the real reason i came in through the headmasters office, not because i just needed to make sure that you knew i was coming but also... to say goodbye, before you question.. I can tell the eminent death is approaching me, its because.. I must die for everything to get better for the Order, and for the wizarding world." The headmaster dumbfounded wanted to protest but simply nodded, walking off with him as he met up with Margot with a simple smile. "I'm ready when you are. I'm going to the prefect's bathroom to get ready, here's your dress." he handed over the hot pink dress and walked off as he got dressed he stood staring in the mirror, noticing how he looked, he was no longer the boy he was years ago at Hogwarts, he had dark circles over his eye's from lost of sleep, scars at every which end, and his hair was back to being not kept up with as he sighed walking out meeting with Margot with a smile, "Ready?" She smiled nodding her hair in a beautiful pony tail besides beautifully braided her wearing astonishing make-up, he walked with her her arm in his as they walked into the Great Hall as he was surprised how wonderful it looked as everyone danced, and partied for a hour as Lucas gently led Margot to the dance floor as his hand gently was placed, onto her waist as he used his other to hold her one hand as they slow dance. Them going side to side as she softly said, "It's nice tonight, no?" He smiled looking down at her nodding, "Very much so." After they danced, he took the opportunity. Going get her some punch walking back as he said, "So Margot, i wanted to give this to you.." He said as Margot looked back at him head tilted, as he softly handed her a small box. And as she opened it it was a hot pink heart necklace as he smiled a bit as she put a hand over her mouth hugging him. "Thank you so much Lucas! that was so sweet of you!" He nodded smiling as the rest of the night went smooth and nice, as he walked off giving one final hug to Margot and a handshake to the headmaster as he walked to the fireplace in the Great Hall going back home, as he closed his eyes as he sighed, "Hopefully.. in time they will all forgive me for what i have to do." He walked to his room and started writing a note for later purposes.

Dear Third Order,

This goes to all of you, every single one of you, do not follow me, do not look for me don't even think of me.. I'm going far away to end this, the Death Eater's don't stand a chance now. Me and Liam will end this, it will inevitably end with my death as i am aware, but you all... my family will be safe, I love every single one of you, Benny and Frank. I give you the mantle of leader. Goodbye my friends.


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