3. Old Friends, New Ideas

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That evening after classes, Evelyn and Edmund decided to hitch a ride home with the McCoys.

It was a fairly silent ride at first, with only Sophia and Edmund exchanging sweet nothings in the back seat. Anthony drove while Evelyn sat at the passenger seat next to him. They said nothing, except for an occasional question and a one-worded answer.

Finally, this began to drive Anthony mad. "Listen, I'm sorry. Okay?" he said, trying not to let his mixed feelings of irritation and desperation seep into his voice. They had never fought like this before.

Evelyn stared out the window some more before she turned around to respond: "Whatever."

"I hope this fight of ours doesn't jeopardise our friendship."

She snorted, a pleasant smile on her face. "Our friendship can only be jeopardised only when we start dating. Which is never going to happen. So, no."

He gave a small sigh of relief and smiled back at her. "So, what are you planning to do to-day?"

"Um... let me see..." She adjusted her glasses out of habit. "We really had only one serious class to-day," she replied. "Ms Grant's. She told us to choose a topic for our end-of-semester project. So, I guess that's what I'll be spending the rest of my time on. What about you?"

"I want to revise the important stuff we learnt last year that're going to repeat this semester." He paused to take a right turn. "Guess that means both of us will be busy this evening – and the rest of the semester!" He chuckled.

Her smile broadened into a grin. "I know right. College is such fun, though. Gods know, I never got to smile this much back in school!"

"I know. Your parents would be at work now?"

"As usual. No vacation for them!"

"Except for that one week y'all went to Marley to spend some time with your sister and her husband!"

"Ooh, yes! Hey, did I tell you she's pregnant now?!"

"What?! No! I mean, no, you didn't! When is it going to be?!"

"When's the baby expected? Around April next year. I'm so excited! – I can hardly wait to be an aunt! And Mum is excited to be grandmother, too! Her first grandchild!"

"Oh, yea? That's great! What about your father?"

Evelyn giggled. "Papa? Oh, he's a whole different story! I remember the first time Daphne called to tell she was pregnant – Papa went ballistic, yelling and screaming why he had to become so old so soon!"

The two laughed aloud.

"Honestly, he reminded me of the 'Father of the Bride'!"

"He even made such a fuss about getting her married! I still remember how much he bothered Frank about his 'intentions' with about her! Of course, he meant only to care for her, I know, but I think he went too far when he began to have him spied on!"

"Oh, how my mother was annoyed when she found out!"

They laughed some more, before Anthony pulled to a stop. Evelyn looked out the window and realised that they had arrived at her home. She picked up her stuff and opened the door. Turning around, she waved to Sophia and Edmund, who waved back. She turned to Anthony again.

"Thanks for the ride," she said. "I don't think you'll need to bother from tomorrow. I'll be ready in time and come by bus! – or Papa will drop me."

"Sure! Just call or text any of us if you need a lift!" He winked at her.

"Thank you! I will! Bye!" With that, she hopped onto the ground and closed the door. She waited until the orange WagonR took a U-turn and drove away, before she opened the gate leading to her home and walked up to the front yard. She took out her own set of house keys to open the door.

Time Duology #1: Time For Love 💘Where stories live. Discover now