7. Words Unspoken

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It was finally Saturday—the day Antony was eagerly waiting for.

He finished helping his mother make breakfast and went upstairs while she and Sophia set the table. He picked up his phone from where it lay on the nightstand and stared hard at it.

"Should I, should I not?" he kept muttering to himself.

Just as he made his decision, his mother voice floated upstairs:

"Anthony! You can come down now!"

"Yes, Ma, I'll be down in a sec!" he shouted, typed something hurriedly on his phone, and took it downstairs with him. In a few seconds, the screen glowed in a display that read, 'Message received by Evelyn'.

Soon, the family of three were sitting at the table with a nice warm meal seat before them.

"Yum, this looks delish!" exclaimed Sophia, just before beginning to serve herself. "Wah, the food I'm given for sleeping in late!" She smiled gleefully as the others looked on in annoyance. She was unabashed even as she realised this.

"Well, maybe then, you should wake up at seven o'clock and help us," muttered Anthony.

"Nah, it's all because I'm not there to make a riot!" She grinned at him and eat away.

Anthony and their mother shared a knowing look and laughed. But, even as he joined in the pleasantries, at the back of his mind, he had other, more disagreeable thought that he just couldn't rest from.

'It's okay,' he kept having to tell himself whenever he got the chance, even as he finished his meal alongwith the others and helped them clear the table away. And even as he took the vegetables his mother handed him to cut. 'It's going to be okay. She'll come round. It'll be okay.'


Selena Gomez's "Round & Round" woke Evelyn up from her nightmare.

She jerked and sat up on her bed. She rubbed her eyes and realised that it was her phone ringing. Somebody was calling.

"What the hell?" she mumbled. "Why is anybody awake at this hour?!"

She leaned across the bed and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hey, Evie, it's me!" Sophia's voice came through.

"Sophie, I love you and all, but why do you have to call me at such a goddamn hour?!"

A chuckle sounded from the line. "You have never been a morning person, now, have you! See, it's half-past eight and you better start your day! Or, you'll sleep through the whole day and miss your date!"

Evelyn groaned. "Oh yes, Tony..."

"And you told me to wake you up, if your highness remembers."

"I did?"

"Obviously, she doesn't. And yes, you did."

"'Kay. Thanks." She yawned. "Good night."

"Oi! Haven't you been hearing me!?"

She have a weak snort of laughter. "Yes, yes, I have."

"So. Promise me you'll wake up?"

"Yes, I –"

"Evelyn dear! Wake up! It's going to be nine!" Evelyn's mother called from downstairs.

"There, I got my wake-up call. See you Monday, Sophie."

"And you, Evie!"

With that, Evelyn cut the call and put the phone back down on the bedside table. She yawned again – louder and bigger this time.

Time Duology #1: Time For Love 💘Where stories live. Discover now