Chapter 1: Missing Memories

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Hello, and welcome to the E.M.V also known as the Exile Memories Viewer, you have chosen to view the memories of the legendary 12 "Ukora" you will be viewing all of her memories until the day of fallen. If you do not know what the day of fallen is, it is the day when more than haft of the reality council was killed off during the meeting where Auria Soma used more than haft of reality's life force to summon every single soma ever existed back to life enjoy.

Time: 8:30 A.M Age: 14 Date: 17th/4th "Rohai"/2030

I woke up as my alarm went off the light of the sun was shining into my room I got up and brushed my teeth and hair and put the clothes picked out for me on. I was wearing a black dress with red trimming and a fire design at the bottom I went down stairs and played the message left by my parent’s "Good morning, your breakfast and lunch are in the fridge remember to eat it all and good luck on your test and don't walk home today make sure someone is with you there have been more reports of kid's going missing recently." The message went off "Yeah right like you would even notice if I went missing" I mumbled to myself as I threw the breakfast and lunch into the trash. I put my shoe's on and walked out the door. A security guard nodded as I left the drive way walking to school. It was rather boring I've already studied all the subject's currently being reviewed even the test was useless it was on stuff I knew 3 years ago. According to my school I'm a genius or something they paid for an IQ test for me just so they could brag about my results. And thanks to that everyone hates me in the school. I don't remember what the results were nor do I care I sighed as the bell went off. I packed my books and left the room before anyone else. While I was walking I saw a strange light it seemed dark and evil I started to feel uneasy as I blacked out.

Time: Unknown Age: Unknown Date: Unknown

I slowly opening my eye's I was laying in an ally I felt something odd on my arm I turned to look at it and saw I was wearing a black long sleeve t-shirt. Then it dawned on me....What was my name who am I Where am I. These questions repeated over and over I tore the shirt to see my arm. Near my shoulder was the number 12 it looked like a tattoo but it seemed more as if it was engraved on my body it seemed was part of my genetic makeup then suddenly a man threw a newspaper into the ally I picked it up and read the top "Akyria Information Date: 13th/7th "Karji"/2032" I didn't understand what these numbers meant then some sort of suppressed knowledge came to me they were the day month and year. A chronological chart to show the passing of time on a large scale basis the 13 was how many times the planet had spined all the way around this month. I walked out of the ally to find myself in a large city. There were so many lights and car's not only that it seemed that buildings had been built on buildings and there were many layers to this city. I looked all around confused I knew nothing of where I was whenever I tried to think all that came to me was knowledge about things I didn't really understand. I started run I didn't know why I just felt like I was in danger something about not understanding anything made me scared something about not being smart and failing made me so terrified. Running felt I ran I kept running and running till I was in a less crowded area of the city. I felt water starting to hit me...It was starting to rain so I sought shelter.

Time: Unknown Age: 16 Date: 3rd/8th "Jorik"/2032

It had been so long since that day...the day I awoken in that ally it felt like years but the logical part of mind reminded me it had only been 17 day's more or less. I was walking down a less built on area of the city I was walking away from it towards the country. Then I stopped dead in my tracks I saw in front of me 2 men. One was warped in robes with what seemed to be armor the other one wore a hooded cloak that covered his entire body but he seemed to give off a light source equivalent to what a fire would give off. The robed armored man offered out his hand saying "Are you lost little one?" 12 nodded slightly afraid to offer her hand "But not only physically lost but you are also mentally lost you know nothing past what has happened in the last month or so do you" Shocked I backed away a little did this man have some kind of play in stealing my memories away from me? The cloaked man stepped forward "Elder if you talk like that without explaining your synchronization of soul's she will fear you" he said "Ah quite right Meiro, Sorry young one I have a synchroization to the souls of people I apologize." I slowly inched closer "W-Why did he call you elder? Is that your name?" I asked "Oh no not at all it is my rank most everyone reefer’s to me my name is tsurei though it's odd so I just go with elder" he responded we talked for a while and then he offered "Would you like to come join me and Meiro back at our home? We have many brothers and sisters and I think you would make a nice addition." I thought about it "I'd....become part of your family?" He nodded and I decided to go

Time: 12:00 A.M (Twilight) Age: 16 Date: 16th/8th "Jorik"/2032

It took a while to get to their home but I was amazed when we got there. There was a large mountain with a castle on top of it and from what Meiro told me it had an underground complex built within spanning even past the mountain’s reach. When we entered the castle we were greeted by all kinds of people eating and drinking a man with raven black hair and glasses came up to me "Well hello you must be our newest member, my name is aldon and who might you be?" He asked "Well....I don't have a name more that I don't know it but you can call me 12 it's all I know about my past" I replied "All you know about your past?" He questioned I pointed to the tattoo on my arm and he started laugh "Well aren't you a strange one I think you'll fit in perfectly." I was puzzled but then smiled as I was warming accepted.

Exile Memories of: 12 "Ukora"Where stories live. Discover now