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It's the next day, I wanted to open the book again though I had only read a bit of it before I felt said for the poor girl put though this. I went to open the book it fell open to a page with a dark dried substance on it ... Ink? No, I realized, blood.

December 3rd
I want out of this place. I want to cry to my mother and my father. I want to see him and his brother. I want to see the bright light of the sun shine on my face. The only good part of this place is the lady that comes to teach us. But I would kill her if it meant freedom I've been in here for how long? 4 months, 4 months of torture.

Oh God, I really hope she's not still in there.

December 15th
No no no! It was 'the men' again but this time, they did more than just leave me with everlasting scars. I feel so dirty. Is it my fault? Why were they doing this? Everything hurts but I can't cry, what's the point of crying if no one will comfort you, and even more do when you can't comfort yourself.

I then remembered I had something to do! I wish I could read more but I have other things I must do.

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