Part One

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Alex: Norma!!?

*Alex walks in to see Norma with her head against the door*

Alex: What Happened??

Norma: I went to see Norman..

Alex: I'm sorry

Norma: it's like he wasn't there. He said he had no feeling for me.

Alex: He's 18 he's upset. It'll pass. Is there anything I can do to ease the pain?

Norma: I'm just gonna go and take a bath

*its been an hour since Norma Locked herself in the bathroom and Alex becomes worried*

Alex: Norma.. I know your upset I just want to make sure you are okay

*No answer*

Alex: Norma?? Norma if you don't answer me in 5 seconds I'm going to break the door down. 1...2....NORMA!!

*Alex breaks the door down and sees Norma submerged in the bath*

Alex: Norma!!

*Alex pulls Norma up to the surface as she gasps and coughs for air*

Alex: It's okay Breathe Norma breathe..Jesus this water is freezing

*Alex grabs a towel and wraps Norma up in it and lifts her out of the bath. He lays her on the floor and runs to grab a heavy comforter and wraps that around her as well and carries her to her bed*

Normero One Shot Rough Draft (in progress) Where stories live. Discover now