Where'd Zero Go? (Holes X-Ray FanFic)

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Unknown's POV

The dry air made my saliva sticky and eyes water. Looking out the window of the old bus I had been riding on almost all day I saw a barren waste land with holes scattered everywhere. As the bus neared the camp the holes became closer together and in some type of pattern.

The bus came to a stop infront of a cabin after passing a group of boys in orange jumpsuits. The deputy behind me poked me in the neck with his rifle to stand. I walked out onto the waste land and smiled, they couldn't send me to hell I had already conquered it.

X-Ray's POV

"Man Zero's spot is gonna be replaced soon." I was walking back to camp with the rest of the D-tent boys but Caveman, he had to dig Zero's hole. The old bus passed us by and stopped in front of the office, we all showered and went back to the tent and saw some guy with long, tangled hair. He had it in a ponytail, he was short and somewhat chubby. "Hey mom who's the new dude?" The boy stayed with his back to us as mom grabbed his shoulder.

"Boys welcome Aurora, she will be replacing Zero." She? The person turned around, it was a light skinned girl. "Mom I thought this was a boys camp?" "Magnet you sound like you're complaining about this." I snickered along with the rest of the guys, "It is, but the Judge just wanted to give something a little easy for feisty Aurora here. Isn't that right?"

Mom patted the girls back, she had her eyes on the floor the entire time, she looked up. Her eyes were a dark grey color and her eyelashes were as thick as her mane. Her face had multiple scars and her lips were a dark pink. "Don't do anything stupid, the government usually wouldn't allow this but in her case this was er needed. Whelp I'll let you boys to it."

Once mom left we surrounded her, "Man I haven't seen a girl in 6 months, other than the warden. Don't worry baby, I'm X-Ray, that's Zigzag, Armpit, Magnet, and oh there's Caveman." The girl smiled at me, her canine teeth were abnormally sharp, "Don't need to know me I'll be gone soon enough. Okay?"

The girl walked out the tent, she limped a little. "Is it me or does she seem too happy?" I asked the other boys, they all nodded but Caveman.

Aurora's POV

The stares didn't go away, word got out quickly that a girl had taken some boy's place. At dinner the boys continued on their usually conversation that I paid no mind to as I looked around. Stares everywhere, some laughs, some open mouths. "So Aurora, what'd you do?" I smiled again, "I stabbed a man who owned a puppy mill."

The boys gawked as if they were either scared or just shocked. "Why?" The boy who called himself X-Ray had been sitting next to me asked. "The dogs were being poorly treated. He was disgusting too. Just like this food." I stirred my beans around feeling sick, the guy, I think Caveman was his name looked down at his food the same way. He must've been sad about something, maybe he was close to the boy who I replaced?

It was hard enough to walk in the nasty jumpsuit they gave me but sleeping in it was a different story, once I believed the boys were asleep I took it off. I sighed and fell asleep quickly but was too soonly awaken by the sound of some horn.

I heard all the boys get up, "Come on Aurora time to work." I nodded sitting up, I was wearing my dad's old sleeping tee so everything was covered. Once most of the boys weren't looking I slid into the jumpsuit and pulled on the boots they gave me. Most of the boys wolf whistled at me, X-Ray who slept near me just stared with a strange look in his eyes.

"Don't act like you haven't seen a girl, I know all you horny boys have watched porn." I grabbed my canteen and walked out the tent pulling my long hair up. Caveman caught up with me, after he explained the ropes I spoke. "I'm sorry." He gave me a confused look, "I can tell you were close to that guy I replaced. You eyes are sad."

He nodded, "Yea, I was the only person Zero would talk to."

X-Ray's POV

Aurora was beautiful, I hadn't been so distracted in a long time. I don't even think I usually thought about anything but trying to finish my hole. She ate a good bit of her breakfast, "Don't eat too fast you'll throw up." I had to say it quietly so the other guys wouldn't start shit, "I know." "You won't get the day off if you throw up." She gave me and shocked look and shook her head.

After breakfast we got our shovels and headed to the holes, I walked in front of Aurora and next to Zig. She was humming some weird song, "Whatcha singing Pup?" Zigzag asked turning his head, "Pup? And it's a Native American rain song."

I snorted, "What's that X-Ray?" "We've been praying for rain since we got here, your song isn't going to help." "We shall see about that."

Halfway through my hole I saw Pup was nearly done, "Look boys we have a female Zero." After my comment I received a glare from Pup. Mr.Sir pulled up with the water truck, I hopped out of my hole and stuck a hand out for Pup who took it gladly.

"You're tiny." "The smaller a dog is the bigger their attitude is." She got in the back of the water line, I tried to pull her in front of me but she shook her head. Guess she knew how ranking worked already.

Pup's POV

I waited in line and saw Caveman eyeing Mr.Sir's truck, he looked back for a look of approval. I nodded, he hoped in the truck quietly. Caveman started the truck and there was a whining sound coming from the engine, "Put it in gear!" After seconds of yelling he took off with Mr.Sir running after him. "Go Caveman!"

The other boys cheered along until Caveman drove into a hole.

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