Kissing In The Rain (Holes X-Ray FanFic)

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Pup's POV

My eyes felt heavy and wet when X-Ray shook me awake. "I don't want to get up." "Get up." He ripped the sheet from me, the cold air hit my body like knifes. I groaned and pulled on my suit not bothering to do anything to my mane. Dr.Pandenski was yelling outside to stay in the mess hall even once we were done eating. 

My head pounded, the sun had been messing with my concussion. I followed the boys lethargically, X was talking to Armpit and Squid about something I didn't really care about. I couldn't eat, every couple of seconds I nodded off and shook myself awake. "You look like shit." "Thank you for that observation Squid." "Hey, I'm just- shutting up now." X grabbed my thigh and squeezed it, "Stay up." "It's hard I'm just tired." 

We stayed in the mess hall for another 2 hours, I had a small nap on X-Ray's shoulder before he shook me awake. "Get up!" The boys from D-tent went running out, I followed them still half asleep. Squeezing between Armpit and Zig I saw it was Caveman an another little black boy in an orange jumpsuit like we wore. 'Must be the guy I replaced.' 

The boys seemed so happy to see them, 'Oh yea Caveman ran away.' I was surprised they were alive. Still half asleep I didn't listen to the conversation between the Warden and Latino lady that was here the day before. I did hear them be told that they were under arrest and that the camp would be inspected. 

Out of now where the rain poured down, that woke me up. I went out into the open allowing the cool rain to hit my skin. All my pain went away as if a curse was lifted from the area. All the boys were celebrating and dancing in the rain. I saw X-Ray talking to Caveman. I rushed over to them and hugged X, "Be safe Caveman." He and the little black boy who I found out was Zero entered the Latino lady's car. 

Turning toward me I felt X-Ray grab my face pulling me close toward him. "I have a feeling I've never felt before and I love it and I think I love you." I smiled so widely I couldn't speak. He pressed his lips to my own hard, I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me, just like in the cheesy movies X dipped me keeping both his arms around my waist. 

In the back ground we heard 'ooh's and 'ew's but I didn't care. I felt full again, like everything was okay. Putting me back on my feet X parted from me, we were going to be okay.

X-Ray's POV


Camp Green Lake had been closed and everyone was released, all of D-tent was over at Stanley's for the first air of Stanely's dad's new product sponsored by Sweet Feet. Aurora became my official girlfriend and after a retrial she was deemed innocent and as an animal hero. Her record was cleared and she was called on a full zoology scholarship the next day. 

We were rarely apart, turned out our families lived close to each other and she visited me every weekend since I still had to finish my senior year of high school while she stated college. She was outside sitting on the edge of the pool while the rest of the D-tent boys were playing pool basketball. 

"It's about to come on, out the pool!" Stanley's mom ran around yelling waving toward the house. Aurora stood and waited for me with my towel, we ran toward the door way to see the commercial. I wans't watching it I was watching my beautiful girlfriend. 

Aurora's POV

Rex had been in the court room for my retrial and even came to my therapy appointments. i was gradually taken off my medication and put into remission. It was hard not sleeping with him every night like I had gotten used to but I was only 60 miles away from him. After the commercial the boys went back to playing pool basketball. I got Rex a root beer and brought it to him, it was his birthday too. "Happy Birthday babe, I'm keeping my side of our promise."

*2 years later.*

Rex had enrolled into a technical college for fixing CAT scans and other medical machines. It was my graduation day. Luckily it was a winter graduation so there wasn't many of us. "Aurora Valncity." It was a blank sheet of paper but walking across that stage hearing Rex howling and yelling 'Pup' made me smile wider than the Cheshire cat. 

All of D-tent stayed close, most of us were either in college or had jobs. Rex arranged a dinner for all of us since he had gotten a job. Halfway through dinner her stood, the boys silenced themselves. "I just want to say we started out at dirt being dug everyday, look at us now. We are the top dogs shitting on the dirt. I want to say congratulations to my beautiful fiance Aurora." Fiance? Everyone's eyes went wide, Rex got down on one knee pulling out a black velvet box. 

I gasped loudly, "Aurora, my puppy, will you marry me?" i couldn't speak so I nodded violently. The D tent boys cheered witht their girlfriends next to them awhing at Rex putting the gorgeous ring on my finger then kissing me. "I love you so damn much Aurora." "I love you even more." 

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