Dead Dreams (Holes X-Ray FanFic)

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Pup's POV

It had been another 3 days of being at Camp Green Lake, almost a whole week. On the way back to camp after finishing my hole with X-Ray I saw a black Jaguar in front of the office and some yelling coming from the inside. "Where is Stanley I'm taking him home right now!" "We aren't giving him to you." It was the Warden fighting with a Latino girl, both of their voice rising with every sentence.

Since we were the first ones done X-Ray took me to the showers, "I swear to God you touch me I'll kick your ass." He laughed getting in the stall next to me, my shower didn't last more than 30 seconds since I heard more boys coming. I dried off and put my clean jumpsuit on before anyone could see my body. 

"I'll meet you in the tent babe." "Alright baby." Walking toward the tent I saw the Warden going back to her house, she ran over to me. "Go to your tent quickly. Now!" I ran toward my tent before I heard further directions. She must've made me hide because of that lady, X walked in with the top part of his jumpsuit off. "Are we hiding?" I nodded, "Warden told me to." 

He walked up and hugged me tightly, "When I first got here I would've said you stink but I probably smell worse." X-Ray laughed sitting on my bed with me in his lap, "How much longer do you have?" I saw him think about it for a little, "3 months, you probably have awhile since you went around stabbing people." I rolled my eyes and laid on his warm chest. "I have 2 years. One year in and one year probation." 

"Why so long? Did you really injure him?" "No they didn't believe me when I pleaded self defense. I was on his property so it didn't help much either." "Did they arrest him for animal abuse?" "No just gave him a fine and took the dogs away." "Damn." He placed his chin on my head and wrapped his arms around my stomach. 

The rest of the boys came in nice and clean, "Y'all keep going at this and there will be some baby drama." Armpit joked, "It isn't drama if you know who the daddy is." X laughed and kissed the top of my head, "No body is having a baby here." "Good, I'm not ready to be a god father." "Shut up Magnet it would be me." 

The boys fought over who would be the god father, I laughed and drifted in and out of sleepiness since me and X-Ray were now laying down. "I'm tired." "I've been tired for almost 7 months." "I know the feeling." 

X-Ray's POV


I was in an outdoor pool playing basketball with the rest of the D-tent boys. I heard someone call my name, turning I saw it was Pup in a bikini with a root beer. "Happy Birthday babe, I'm keeping my side of our promise." 


"X.. wake up hun, wake up." I opened my eyes and only saw an outline of Pup, I didn't have my glasses on. "Here." She put them on my face, I saw her clearly now. There was a blood stain below her nose. "What happened?" "We slept through dinner. Come on time to get up." She was already dressed but something was different. I saw her hair was in a braid that looked ike a crown with a bun on the back, it must've taken her a while. "I was talking about the blood." "Nose bleed it's nothing."

After I dressed we headed to the breakfast, I asked her about her hair. "How long did that take you?" "15 minutes, I woke up earlier than the rest of you guys cause of this." She pointed to her nose, "Why is it bleeding?" "Dry air. What were you dreaming about? You were cheesing pretty hard." I smiled remembering my dream of seeing her in a orange thin strap bikini. "Just Mr.Sir being chased by a lizard." She gave me a look as we sat down with our food, "Don't lie to me." 

"I'm not." She rolled her eyes and finished her food cracking her back, "Those beds are shit." "Everything here is shit." Only Pup heard me cause she was the only one who laughed. 

Halfway through my hole I saw Pup had stopped digging, "Pup?" Getting out mine I saw she was sitting in hers with her eyes closed, her nose was bleeding again. I jumped in her hole and splashed some of her water on her face her eyes flew open. "I'm okay." "No you're not. What is going on?" "Nothing it's just the heat, I'm tired. I'm fine." "We're going to talk about this later." I pulled her out the hole so she could get her refill. 

Mom seemed to notice her bloody nose, "What's wrong with you now?" "Dry air equals bloody nose. I am fine." Mom grabbed her chin looking up her nose and in her eyes, "What are you doing mom?" It took a lot out of me not to be defensive. "Aurora have you been taking your medicine?" Wait what medicine? I hadn't even seen her open a bottle. 

"It's not that. It's the air chill." I grabbed Pup's arm and pulled her close to me, "What medicine baby?" "Nothing." She kept her eyes on the ground, "We will defiantly talk about this later." 

"Aurora you better stay on those meds or we will have to ship you to you know where." Pup got her water and stayed silent from my questions and mom's. After she finished her whole she left without me, I hurried to finish mine with the boys calling me back asking me what was going on. 

Storming the the tent I saw Pup on her bed, "What the hell was he talking about Aurora?!" She turned her head, she had been crying. I walked toward her and pulled her into my arms she sobbed quietly, "What is wrong?" "I'm not crazy I swear." "I never said you were shh stop crying, don't do that here you can't this is no time to break down." Her sobs went silent and my jumpsuit began to dry.

I sat on the bed with her in my lap, "Why are you on meds?" "Dysthymia. It's not depression but it's like it." "You don't seem depressed." "Some people have inner demons." I understood that perfectly, "Look it's okay please just take your meds I want you to be okay."  

She told me about her life back home in northern Texas and how she felt lonely because her sister was busy all the time. "Hopefully things will get better." "They will." The boys walked in and I saw Magnet open his mouth to say something but I mouthed to him not to. They all stayed silent, I didn't even remember what day it was.

The rest of the day went by quietly, little comments every now and then but nothing more. Once we went to bed I saw Pup get 4 bottles of pills out of her bag. She laid them on the bed and stared at them, with the last of her water she took them. Getting in the bed with me she seemed upset, "Thank you." I kissed her on the forehead pulling her into my chest like we usually slept. She knocked out sooner than usually, the rest of the guys were still up. "Armpit take those pills out." He got up and took her bottles out, "What are they for?" "Insomnia, depression, allergies, and wait this is some pain killer high dose." 

"Let me see." Armpit handed the bottle to me, I read what it was for. "Bro she is just getting over a concussion." "Is that why her nose is bleeding?" Zig asked getting in his bed, "Probably, and why she's so tired. They shouldn't have her out here after a concussion." "Damn and I thought I had it bad." "We all do."

The lights turned out and my previous dream continued on. 

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