Start The Trouble

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Nia Gutierrez + OOTD⬆️⬆️⬆️

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Nia Gutierrez + OOTD⬆️⬆️⬆️


"Nia, please do this for me," my fragile dad coughs out. I help him sit up on his bed as I hug him.
"I would Dad," I kiss his forehead.
He breaths more rapidly as he wants to be let down back at the bed.
His monitors go suddenly slow as I panic and press the button for the nurses.
He flatlines as they get there, tears streaming down my face as I say good bye to my amazing father. "Bubba?" I choke as I hold my phone to my ear. "He's gone," I whisper sadly as I sob through the phone.

--3 Years Later--

"Miss Gutierrez, you'd have a meeting with Mr. Aiden Vera," my P.A reminds as I dismiss her, groaning.
I turn my chair around as I text Gabbie, stating that my planned fiancee is coming. I didn't like to do this but I promised my Dad that I would. I look out the window of my office as I stand and view the rising sun on Miami. I glance at the clock 8AM, it was pretty early as the hues of reds and sky blues mix into each other.

"Malia, call Mendoza," I command my P.A as seconds after, my lawyer rushes in. As if on cue, the elevator to my office tings and opens. "Mr. Vera is here boss," Malia states as I nod.

"Bring him to the Meeting Room, come on Mendoza," I beckon him as we make our way to my office's convening area.

I sigh loudly as I take a seat on my white velvet chair. "And hello Miss Gutierrez!" A fresh looking man greets as I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Mr. Vera," I politely smile as I stand and shake his hand. "Call me Aiden," he grins at me, "Nia," I take my seat as I silently huff.

"We are aware that both of you know how the arrangement works?" My lawyer takes the lead.

We start discussing the legal terms and conditions as we make sure that this marriage pushes through. "You'd have a total of a year and six months of marriage before divorce," His lawyer comments as I stifle a groan.

"So when Miss Gutierrez marries you, Mr. Vera, she'd have a larger share profit on your company vice versa via jointed funding by World Market," His lawyer finally summarizes and adjourns the meeting as we sign the final documents before wedding planning.

Man, I didn't even get to know my fianceè better.

Our meeting ends as our lawyers process papers and leave earlier. Aiden stays, waiting for his bodyguard.

"So it's finally nice to meet you Fianceè," he smiles and sits down in my office. I smile back, with a hint of sarcasm, "I know, and I do look forward to the swing of things," I look back down at my flies. My stomach suddenly growls, silence enveloping the room.

"Looks like someone's hungry," he shrugs as I feel the blood rush down my cheeks and close the file shut. I sigh, "My bad," I bite my lip.

"You wanna go out or something?" He asks.
I shake my head and politely decline, "I have a brunch appointment in 30 minutes, I'm sorry," I politely smiles as my P.A knocks.

"Mr. Vera, your bodyguard is here, Ms. Nia, the car is ready," she stands straight as we simultaneously stand up.

"Well it was nice doing business with you today, Miss Nia," Aiden straightens his clothes as he offers his hand.
I stick my hand out, not expecting for him to kiss it. "The pleasure is mine, Aiden," I say, my tone unsure of how to sound as we make our way out.

"Where's the lunch venue?" I ask Malia as I head out.

"Paprikas," she politely answers as I grab my purse and make my way out. Aiden takes the elevator to the right from my private one as he's followed by a large man.

I get in my elevator as I press '2' coming from the 24th floor as it descends. Throughout the meeting, I can't help but look at Aiden. He was attractive, not going to deny. His eyes were captivating and his facial structure was perfect.

He was a nice dude, but not necessarily my type, I shake myself off my thoughts as the elevator rings. Hopping off I see my bodyguard and brother's boyfriend, Miguel, as he follows beside me.

"How did the meeting go?" He asks as I shake my head.

"Indifferent," we walk out the door as it automatically slides open before we hop on to my truck.

"Where too boss?" He asks.

"The usual for Gabbie," I put my shades on as I see paparazzi flocking as we take off.

"So the wedding is final?" Gabriella raises her brows.

I nod as I gobble down my waffles, "And you're the Maid of Honor," I point out. She laughs as she rolls her eyes, "Duh," she stabs a piece of sausage.

"But is your 'husband' nice?" She does airquotes. I shrug my shoulders, "Seems like it, but we'll see," I get back to eating as we stray away from the topic of the wedding.

Really, it bothers me. I'm still 26, I have a lot to live yet here I am, getting married in 6 months.

And I could tell this is going to be tedious.

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