Hear The Bells

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Nia's Office⬆️⬆️⬆️
Aiden's POV
💞A month Later..💞

I take a seat at Nia's office as we are scheduled to plan for the wedding already.
God, I'm getting married in less than 3 months. Nia and I have become closer with constant meetings every now and then. She's really a fun person to be with. "Sorry I'm late Aiden, I had to fix something in the lab," she comes in and takes off her lab coat, throwing it in what I assume is a laundry chute. "No problem, I just go here," I smile at her.

She takes as seat and blows off a strand of her hair. "So, where to first?" She asks. I lean forward, "Well since our deal the first time we met wasn't really in a mood for engagement  decided to wait, so here," out of my pocket, I present her a small maroon hexagon box. I noticed her favorite color was red so I went with the motif.

She slightly gasps as I open the box, "It's beautiful Aiden!" She places a hand on her mouth. I got a ruby carved into a rose encased in braid like thingys, she liked red so much I decided I'd get her a red ring. "To four weeks of being engaged Nia," I smile at her and slide the ring in her finger.

"Thank you Aiden, you didn't have to," she admires the ring and looks at me gratefully. "Well we do have to adhere to tradition," I get up my seat and help her make it down her small stairs. We both wave to her P.A as we enter her private elevator and descend.

I drove her to work this morning since she invited me to breakfast so we use the same car. "Where are we going first?" She quickly hops in shutting out the impending paparazzi. "Your choice," I shrug, "Let's do invitations first then," she looks at me and I nod. "Okay then," I start backing up the car and drive away from her building. We drive to a local wedding store in downtown Miami while finding for a parking spot.
"What about over there?" She points to an empty slot as I fall in line into it. I get out of the car first and open her door for her and take her hand.

We make our way inside as a lady in her mid-40s with a heavy Russian accent greets us. "Ah Ms. Gutierrez! Your wedding this time?" She asks as I nod. "Yeah actually! He's the groom," she points to me as I give her a casual wave.
"So what are you here for?" She asks. "Just wedding invitations," I reply. We take a seat, "Just like your brothers?" She asks as Nia vigorously shakes her head. "Neo's wedding invitations were hard to open I swear to god," she frowns making me lightly chuckle.

"So what's the plan?" She asks us, "We talked awhile ago in using Vellum, could you do it?" She asks as I nod. "Sure, when is the wedding?" The kind lady asks, "In 3 days time," I tell her as we start flipping through wax stamp designs for the envelope.
Nia is a very creative woman, so I'll be relying on her skills instead.

She points at a Rose stamp that almost matches her ring. "What about this one Aiden?" She asks as I nod. "It's beautiful, alright," I compliment as we finalize it. A few more choices later, we've decided we'd settle with a Maroon and Gold theme.

"We'll just send you the names," Nia points out as kind old lady nods. "Alright, so finalization, the Ceremony is in St. Jude Cathedral, Miami and Reception is Rosè Brooks Villa, Miami," she clarifies as we both nod.

After our goodbyes we exit the shop. "Planning a wedding is tedious," She sighs. "Couldn't agree more," I drive to our Reception area to meet with the manager for finalized plans.

"So the table cloths would be gold and maroon, we'll finalize the RSVPs 2 months before the wedding then after that we'll finalize the menu," I instruct as they take note. "What kind of chairs do you want to use Mr. Vera?"

"The womb styled chairs, make it according to the motif too," after that, we drive to the memorabilia place. "We plan on using small bottles of wine, maybe a glass full of wine in a small bottle," Nia points out as Garry, her godfather and the owner of the winery nods. "And what kind of wine would you want in?" He asks. "White wine, Chardonnay if you have," she shrugs, "Then the deed is done,".

We drive to our last destination for the day, the jeweler. We decided that we'll have our wedding bands not gold but rose gold. "Ah, If it isn't Aiden and Nia!" Antonio greets us both. Coincidentally, Antonio is both me and Nia's godfather. Our mothers were best friends with this man.

"Here we have 14k Rose Gold," he brings out large chunky unfinished bands as we pick a design for the said band. We decided on a slightly twisted shape with a few diamonds on Nia's. Leaving the store, we slump in the car exhausted. "Well that was fun," Nia states indifferently. I nod. Lately, the concept of us being married isn't a big deal anymore, we've grown accustomed to it rather than the first weeks.

But there was still this lacking spark, we both could feel it but not say anything about it. "Let's have dinner, my treat," Nia snaps me put of my thoughts as I nod. "Sure, where do you want to go?" I ask her.

"I'm craving Chinese food," she leans back as I start to drive to a Chinese restaurant down in Southside Miami.
*i made all the venues up for copyright shit and originality

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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