Chapter one

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What do you see when you look outside? Do you see the sky, trees, or the animals first? I see the random strands of golden dead grass because they relate most to me. They are constantly having to decide if they want to stand out and be dry, or if they want to be like everyone else. I never realized how much my whole world could change in heartbeat. I finally became a green strand of grass just like everyone else.
"Hey, loser, out of my way!" said one of the biggest guys at my school. He was on the wrestling and the football team.
"Sorry, I must have been daydreaming" I chuckled, avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah, that's what girls tend to do when I'm around. Oh wait, you're a boy" he said then pushing me to the floor. Everyone started to laugh at me. When I looked up, he was gone. I was hiding my face in the hood of my jacket when I heard a voice that I never had heard before.
"Are you okay?" said the voice. I looked up from under my jacket and just sat there. A boy with golden brown hair that was swooped up out of his eyes was standing in front of me. I took his outstretched hand and he pulled me up.
"I'm fine, thanks," I could feel my face getting red "are you new,?".
"Yeah, I'm Joey, what's your name?" he said.
"Umm..." I forgot to answer and he let go of my hand. That woke me up and I remembered where I was.
"My names Lucas, and I'd be ecstatic if I could show you around" I said feeling very confident for once. He nodded his head and said "sure", making his sky blue eyes sparkle like diamonds in the sun. I missed the feeling of his palm in mine, but I fought back the urge to take it back and just let it be.
"So, what class do you have for first period?" I asked, inching closer to him so I could see his schedule. When he did open it I lightly moved it closer to me and we brushed hands against each other. I froze, pretending to read it but really, I was trying not to breath. Once I came to it, I took the fragile paper from his hands and scanned the page.
"We have all the same classes!"I said amazed. I couldn't believe that a coincidence that fantastic could happen.
"Are they at the same time?" he respond to my enthusiasm happily. I checked once again, and it said we were.
"Yes, follow me, I'll show you where art class is" I said, grabbing his arm while pulling him through the crowd of depressed people. I always sit alone in the back of my classroom,(probably because I have no friends) but not today. Today, Joey is sitting next to me, and I couldn't be happier to be at school. We were with each other for the whole rest of the day. He caught up quickly with the rest of the class in no time, and I was kind of jealous of it. When I first came to school it was in the middle of the year and I didn't catch up in time. I ended up repeating a grade, but then I had the chance to skip and be in my original grade. That was at least two or three years ago. Now I'm in the eleventh grade and I finely might have a chance at a friend.
"Where do you live? I might be able to hang out after school" he asked me. As much as I would love to have him over, my room was a mess, and my mom doesn't like people.
"Sorry, maybe another time. I have a lot of schoolwork to get finished" I said. I was actually completely caught up, I don't know why I lied.

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