Chapter two

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I dreamt about him that that night. We were alone in a dark room, he was standing in front of me. I tried to reach for him, but there was a crystal clear glass wall in the way. I pounded my fists against the cold until they bruised and bled. I then fell to my knees and started to cry. My tears began to rise until they were almost up to my head. I was drowning in my own sadness, and he was just standing there. Laughing and watching. I woke up breathing out deep breaths , with sweat dripping down from my forehead. I wrapped myself in my blanket, and cradled my legs like I was a baby. My thoughts were filled with questions like "what does it all mean?" and "was this a sign?". I got almost no sleep that night, and couldn't even eat that morning. It is Saturday, and I'm usually with Viki, my best friend, but today I'm by myself, in my room. I spent almost the whole rest of the day cooped up in my own eternal prison that my mind made especially for me. I couldn't figure out what to do and my situation with Joey, but I do know that even though I have only met him once, I was madly in love with him. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest whenever I even thought about him. The main problem I had to go over a million times was not knowing if he was gay or not. I doubted myself the whole time, I even ended up crying at some point.
"Lucas? Are you ok? I haven't seen you since breakfast, and you left looking really upset, like you had something important to think about" I heard my mom call from the other side of the door. I wiped my eyes and took a quick look in the mirror (to make sure I didn't look that upset) and opened the door. An amazing aroma wafted up the stairs, and I immediately knew that dinner was ready.
"Whatever you made, it smells amazing" I said, sniffing the air. I was mainly trying to distract her.
"Oh, did I forget to tell you?" I looked at her strange "The new neighbors are coming over for dinner; the boy said he knew you". As she watched the panic raise in my face, I knew I had to hide.
"Let me get dressed, I look horrible right now" I myself heard the fear in my voice. I got on the nicest shirt that I owned and combed my dark brown hair up and out of my chocolate eyes. The only pair of jeans that didn't have holes were skinny, but I didn't really care.
"They aren't here yet, are they?" I said heading down the stairs with my voice still shaking. I felt like I was about to throw up.
"I'm pretty sure we're here" Joey said smiling at the bottom of the stairs. My heart just about fell to my knees when I saw him.
"I'll be right back" I, already running back up the stairs, said. I emerged into the small bathroom, and cradled myself against the wall. I slowly breathed in and out, just on the edge of having a panic attack. I told myself that I was brave, that I could do this, but I knew I couldn't. The sudden courage I got came out of nowhere, and I almost marched down the stairs, ready to meet my fate.
"There you are, are you ok? Dinner's almost ready, why don't you wash up and go sit down with our guests" my mom said quickly.
"Ok, I'm fine" I walked over to the dining room.

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