Chapter three

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When I saw the way he looked at me as I entered the room, I almost fell to my knees. I strongly held myself up and sat in front of Joey.
"I'm sorry I didn't say hi earlier, my hair looked way to plain next to yours, so I had to fix it" I said quickly making up an excuse for my absence. We were almost completely silent the whole rest of the dinner.
"That was very good, Ms.Harvey. Thank you for inviting us" Joey's mom said smiling.
"You know, since it's not a school night, why doesn't Joey stay the night; if he wants of course" my mom replied. I got dizzy but tried my hardest to not faint.
"What a great idea, but we would have to go and get his stuff" she said "he would be glad to not sleep on the floor".
I went upstairs before they left. I needed to clean and calm down. My room was unfortunately spotless before the doorbell rang for a second miserable time. I heard my mom greet them once again. I felt the same pain in my gut that I did before dinner. I knew he was coming and I couldn't even stop it. Im guessing my mom pointed him in the direction of my room because I heard his soft footsteps coming up the stairs. He knocked very rhythmic and neat. My hands were shaking as I opened the door. I put on a very real smile when I saw him. All my fears went away.
"You can sleep on my bed tonight, I actually prefer the floor" I said to be nice.
"What are we going to do?" he asked.
"I don't know, what do people usually do?" I asked sheepishly "Nobody's ever stayed the night at my house". I was embarrassed so I looked down at my hands.
"Oh, well we can play would you rather" he said with a kind smile. I could tell he really wanted to be my friend, but nothing more than that. I nodded my head yes and his head was immediately faced down at his phone. My legs took me over to his side and craned my head over his shoulder. All I saw in the two seconds of that moment was a bunch of questions.He asked a question and although I just stared blankly at him, he still smiled.
"Um... do you have any video games? That could break the silence" he said awkwardly. I could feel that my cheeks where hot because he wasn't having a good time.
"Yeah, there in the cabinet, you can pick anyone of them, I don't care" I told him looking at my lap while I fiddled with my hands. He picked one of the only fighting games I owned. It, of course, was a two player.
"If I win, you have to promise that you could spend the night at my house next time" he said flashing me my favorite smile of his. There will be a next time! I thought excitedly. I could feel my cheeks reheat back up while staring at him like some creepy stalker. I couldn't help it, I was fascinated at how much I liked him while I knew he didn't even remotely like me like that. I handed him the other game controller and slid the disk in the slot. I hadn't played in a while, so of course I lost miserably.
"How about best two out of three" I said, desperate not to lose against him. I still wanted him to win though, but only for the benefits it came with. Even though I tried my hardest, I still lost three times in a row.
"Wow, I even tried to let you win on that last round, but you still lost" I looked down at my hands, embarrassed. "I'm actually surprised that you made it that far, I'm really good". He was, and I knew he was just trying to make me feel better. We both fell asleep shortly after. I could feel that his head was accidentally laid on my shoulder, but I let it stay. It felt nice that he was so close to me, and it gave me the tiniest bit of hope.

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