The picture

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My eyes started to get heavy. It had been 5 minutes since Mycroft had called. The camera man had gone to my room. I didn't know why and i didn't care. My brain was getting fuzzy. I hated it when my senses abandoned me.

'Look what i found!!' The camera man said, coming back into the room. 'Is this what i think it is?'

A looked at what he was holding and sighed. Oh no. How had he found THAT. It was a picture of John. My favorite picture. I had taken it myself. He hadn't noticed but he looked perfect on it. His hair a little fuzzy, his eyes concentrated and his body relaxed. The background wasn't too bad either. And i hadn't been able to keep myself from printing it and putting it in a frame. But i kept it well hidden, up to today. Today i had taken one last glimpse at it and thrown it in the garbage along with my dreams of ever being Mr. Watson.

'So i was right!! You do love him! Oh, Sherlock, sooooooooo romantic. This must hurt so bad!!'

It looked like he was going to continue the taunting, so i started to count the seconds again. But then a phone went again. His phone.

He picked it up and listened, threw the phone down, picked it up again and put it in a pocket. 'I got news of the party, Sherlock. Your brother arrived and he is now coming here. Apparently he wasn't convinced you were okay. But don't worry. You'll still die. Only you will die alone.'

He bent down and started to untie me. Was he untying me? When he was finished he pressed the picture in my arms and left. I tried to get up and run after him, but my muscles didn't do as i told them. I turned my head in an uncomfortable position and looked at picture. The camera man was right. It was a 25 minute drive from the wedding to my flat. And i would probably only have 15 maybe 18 minutes before i was gone.

I couldn't help it. For the first time in forever a tear fell from my eyes and onto the picture.

PS: I don't own anything but the things that aren't in Sherlock. All the is owned by BBC, Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat and the rest of their crew.

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