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A wise person once warned me about a domino effect. He said that everyone and everything were dominos in the game of life. he said that when one lost balance, when one fell, when one snapped, when one broke, when one dies, everything else will follow.

Our domino effect begins in the chilly night of June 1 2019, when Gabel Sylvester and Jane-Anne   Smith drove a road block and down the broken Weasel Oak bridge, into Blackwater river. No one can truly say why, but it happened. They were reported missing two days later, the police found the car that same day, but they never found any bodies. 

A week later, they're still missing, no evidence can prove their death, they could have jumped out of the car when it fell, they could have not even been in it. Never less no effort was spared in making this headline gossip everywhere. The smith's were quiet and determined to find their daughter, but everything was just covered up by the Sylvesters' efforts to make their grief and misery known far and wide. 

By now things were bad. 

It's another one of natures rules that from bad, things always get worse. So things did get worse, no one knew it yet, no one had yet noticed exactly what had just driven into the town.

It was 6:00 pm when the Blackwater manor, a place so tragic, so old, so large and so cold only a madman could uphold the place and restore it to it's glory's gates opened for the fist time in years. In it's gates came a convoy of three cars two black SUVs at the front and back and a black limousine in the middle. Out of the Limousine came a son and his stepmother, and together they gazed at the manor.

The placed had been prepared before they came, a beautiful garden in from of the front door, a path going to the carpark and another to the back house garden. A mansion four stories high with about a hundred rooms in total, each wing of the house added by a different owner and generation, so many windows to clean, floors to scrub, furniture to dust and vast gardens to take care of. And yet none of that was any trouble at all for the Devereaux family.

"What do you think?" Sian asked her stepson Markus, "I know it's going to take a lot of getting used to, but otherwise it'll suffice." She took off her shades, unveiling her gorgeous grey eyes that made well with her perfect golden blonde hair.

"It could use a little more touch up but otherwise it's fine." Markus, his slicked back black hair and honey gold eyes exited the limousine along with his slim and muscular toned body and British accent.

It was this day, June 11 2019, the day everything changed.d

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