A Cold Winter's Eve

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It was a little too early in the year for snow, even more so for a storm. The dark and cold halls of Blackwater Manor hosted nothing but the cold winter air.

"Careful Amelie!"  the maid, with a sin kissed complexion and very curly hair held in a massive bun on her head, scolded, "you mustn't leave windows open like this in the winter!"

"I'm sorry Marie," Amelie, a sweet, young girl of only six looked up, closing the leather bound book on her lap. "I just won't be able to hear Macon when he knocks on the door."

"I'm afraid I have to break the news but your siblings will be arriving later tonight," Marie, the maid, knelt beside Amelie, "you know your mama hates it when you stay up at night."

"Mother wouldn't mind," Amelie kept smiling, "I promised Macon and Lula that I'd be the first to greet them!"

"It's snowing outside baby girl," Marie placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, "you could get sick."

"I promised," Amelie insisted, "you said I should always keep a promise."

Marie looked at the child sceptically but proudly. This thin girl, that she had loved so much, as if she were her own. This child that she had taken care of since infancy, the child she knew she would watch grow.

With a blink of an eye, a woman was standing by the library door, wearing a closed, late victorian, green dress, with several beads around her neck, pearl earrings and a silver signet ring with an insignia, a dragon eating it's tail, where a stone should be. She had brown hair and the most unnaturally emerald green eyes, pail complexion and husky voice.

She said to them, "Amelie, let's go down shall we, it seems your siblings will be here earlier than expected. They're near."

"Marie let's go!" Amelia stood up with excitement bursting in her eyes, pulling Marie by the hand and running right past her mother. Marie followed Amelie who was full of energy, keep gin her head down as she passed Madame Barbara. 

The spiteful Madame Barbara shot the maid a scowl of both envy and hate, as she walked past her, following Amelie. Outside, a black, new car drove in front of the large Manor which was a combination of  the Beaux-Arts, Greek revival and colonial revival architecture style.

The car parked in front of the large entrance that had two corinthian columns standing beside a wide and tall, sturdy and dark, wooden door. Once, the driver got out and opened the passenger seat, he helped out a very beautiful young girl. With a perfectly lean and lady-like body, with raven-black, loose, elegant, wavy hair. The upper half of which being held up in a messy braided bun while the rest fell loosely down. A thin and short strand of her cuts fell onto her face, near one of her glowing gold, honey- coloured eyes. She had her mother's pale complexion, but her's had more life. Her body was covered by a tight top but loose skirt, maroon ballroom dress, with black embroidery on the circular flounce styled sleeves, black, designed net over the skirt area and more black embroidery on the bottom hem. She wore a gold ribbon on her hair and held a violet fan close to her chest. This unforgettable face, with rose red lips and a captivating smile, belonged to Lullaby Devereaux, although, she was known as Lullaby Blackwater. She walked closer to the entrance as her little sister Amelia came rushing out of the door.

"Lula!" Amelia jumped and gave her sister a warm embrace, "I've missed you so!"

"So have I," Lullaby smiled down at her sister. "Why, the snow has come early this year Macon."

Lullaby faced the door where emerged a tall and handsome young man, wearing a dark green coat and maroon vest underneath, with his black trousers and newly shined boots.

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