Searching For Paul

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John's P.O.V.

-Where did he go?, I asked, as soon as we got to the road.

-I think he went to the bar, Ringo answered. But, really, don't blame me if he's not there. 

-Lennon., George asked. What's up with that girlfriend of yours?


-Hey, you forgot your glasses!

-Never mind.

Never mind? I suddenly realised that Paul was right... I was a whole different person without the glasses...

In the bar, we were lucky enough to find Vivian, Paul's childhood friend in her graveyard shift. But we were unlucky enough not to find Paul! Well, at least we could ask Vivian questions. And trust her.

-Hey, Vivian, I started. Tell me, has Paul been there?

-Paul? Yes, he's been here, with some date again...She smiled and sighed.

-And... what did they do?

-They were talking, much more sensibly than with the ones in his other dates, but Paul obviously wanted to light it up, for he ordered wine twice!!


-Well, he ended up drinking both bottles of wine himself. Obviously he got too drunk for words...

-And then?

-Well, then the girl got him to the bathroom and when they got back Paul was completely un-drunk and they had clearly made out in there because they kissed each other from time to time.

-And...Do you know her name?

-Yes, he said it at some time... Linda, I think.


Will somebody please give my story a comment? If anyone reads it.

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