Chapter Two- A Place To Rest My Head

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Author's Note: This chapter is based on episode 14 of season 6: Corazon, episode 17: Valhalla and episode 18: Lauren. These are the episodes where Spencer has intense headaches and he confesses to Emily about them before she is abducted by Ian Doyle.

Chapter Two- A Place To Rest My Head

The rest of the team were asleep on the jet, but Spencer lay awake with thoughts haunting him. Intense migraines and headaches have plagued him for the last two days. He went to several doctors and had gotten an M.R.I. before they left for Miami and was going to get the results in the morning.

The guilt of not telling J.J. or his mother or sister was getting to him. He knew that he had to tell them soon, especially if the results were bad. He didn't want them to worry; especially J.J., who was stationed overseas on a mission for the Pentagon. She had enough on her mind right now.

Spencer decided that if this last doctor couldn't find anything then he would tell J.J. or at least someone on the team.

When they landed, Spencer made his way back to the house. The house was dark and quiet, it was three o'clock in the morning. Courtney was sleeping on the couch in the living room. Spencer spread the blanket on the back of the couch over her and placed a kiss on her forehead. Spencer double checked the porch door and patio door making sure they were both locked before heading upstairs.

He checked on the twins first. They were both sound asleep in their cribs. Spencer placed a kiss on both of their foreheads and covered them up. Light footsteps were heard around the corner when Spencer walked out into the hallway.

When he turned around the corner, Henry was standing there with a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong, bud?" Spencer asked with concern.

The thirteen year old walked over to his father and hugged him. Spencer wrapped his arms around his oldest son.

"I know something's going on with you, Dad" Henry said when he let go. He looked back up at his father. "I know something's wrong."

Spencer sighed. The last thing he wanted was for his sons to worry about him. The twins were only two so he didn't have to worry about them yet. "I just miss your mom, bud. That's all. It's different without her here."

"That's part of it, maybe" Henry said. "But there's something else too. Something you haven't told anyone about. I know you're worried and probably scared. I'm scared too."

Spencer put his hand on his son's shoulder. "You shouldn't be worrying. Mom and I will do all the worrying, okay? I'm glad you told me about being scared and you're right; I am too. If there's anything to worry about, I'll let you know but until then, no more worrying or being scared, okay?"

Henry nodded, hugging his dad again.

"Come on, let's get you to bed" Spencer returned the hug and two made their way back to Henry's room. Henry climbed into his bed and pulled the covers over himself. Even though Henry was thirteen, Spencer still kissed him goodnight on the forehead. Henry laid back on the bed and closed his eyes. Spencer waited for him to fall asleep before he walked over to the door and turned off the light.

He passed his room and went into Jonah's to check on him. He was sound asleep too. Spencer sighed with relief and pulled up the covers on him, placing a kiss on his forehead.

Spencer returned to his and J.J.'s room and turned on the lamp on the bedside table. He went to their dresser and got changed and decided it would be too late to call J.J.

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