Chapter One- Pain, Can't Get Enough

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A/N: If you haven't read my stories before, in this fan fiction Spencer and J.J. are married and have four children. Henry-23, Jonah 21, the twins Lily and Jesse, 13 years old.

This chapter is based on the Episode "In the Dark" in season 12 of Criminal Minds. Spencer is in prison and has been there for a month. Lily and Jesse are 13 years old now. J.J. has not allowed them to see their father so Jesse decides to go and visit him on his own but things don't go according to plan. (I've never written a one shot before so I'm hoping this will make sense and be fun to read. I've casted Zach Herron as Jesse David Reid. He's in the picture above).

Chapter One- Pain, Can't Get Enough

Jesse woke up in his bed and immediately remembered the conversation he had had with his mother the night before.

Both J.J. and Spencer agreed that Lily and Jesse would not be allowed to visit Spencer at the prison. They didn't think it was safe and Spencer especially didn't want them to see him in there. The twins didn't like that, no surprise there.

"Mom, we haven't seen Dad in a month!" Jesse shouted. His mother wasn't listening. He wanted to see his Dad. He and Lily hadn't seen him in a month and yet the rest of the family could whenever they made an appointment. Jesse didn't think that was fair.

"Your father and I agreed that we don't want you to see him like that" J.J. explained. "He doesn't want you going in there."

"I don't care" Jesse said, annoyed. He was going to his father and nothing was going to stop him. "I'm just going to go to bed." Jesse decided to give up the fight. Tomorrow was Saturday and his mother was guaranteed going to be on another case somewhere in the country. It was like she didn't want to face that he was in prison so she used cases as an escape. Jesse wasn't running away. If J.J. was called into work tomorrow, he was going to visit his father.

Jesse sat up in his bed feeling uneasy. He rubbed his eyes, he must not have gotten enough sleep last night.

He got up off the bed and made his way downstairs to the kitchen table. His mother had left a note there.

"Jesse, I got called on another case. Your Aunt Courtney will be with your grandmother all day running errands and Lily went to Taylor's house. I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you, Mom."

Jesse smiled and went upstairs to get changed. He put on a sweater as he was starting to get a chill. He walked down the stairs and grabbed his skateboard on the way out the door, locking it.

He walked down the stairs and put his skateboard on the ground, skating to the sidewalk and the down the side of the road. He was going to skate to the nearest bus station and take the bus to the prison to visit his father.

He wasn't going to tell his brothers what he was doing, they would just tell him to listen to their mom. Lily was at Taylor's house so he didn't bother to tell her his plans.

As he continued his journey to the bus station, he started to develop a pain in his abdomen. He shook it off and continued on.

Halfway to the bus station, a car slowed down and pulled in on the side of the road in front of Jesse. He recognized his uncle Dave's car.

Jesse skated to the window in the front seat as it rolled down.

"Where are you heading, kid?" David asked.

"To a friend's house" Jesse lied smoothly.

David gave him a disappointed look. "I don't think someone who has my name in their name should lie to me. Do you?"

Jesse's eyes widened, he didn't expect David to see through his lie. But then again, he was their Uncle Dave.

"You're going to see your father" David stated.

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