Chapter Three-I'll Be Home For Christmas... If Only In My Dreams

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A/N: This chapter isn't based on any of the criminal minds episodes. It's something I thought of and wanted to post on here. Spencer calls Cameron, Owen, Jonah, Victoria, and Henry to assist with a case. I've casted Shane Harper as Henry Spencer Reid, his picture is above.

Cameron- 28 years old
Victoria- 27 years old
Natalie- 26 years old
Henry- 23 years old
Jonah- 21 years old
Owen- 20 years old

Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas!

The Reid Method: One Shots

Chapter Three-I'll Be Home For Christmas... If Only In My Dreams

Henry looked at the date as a new notification popped up on his phone, December 12. He and his brother, Jonah went to the local mall in search of Christmas presents. The sounds of Christmas music and people could be heard as Henry made his way through the mall hallway, looking for his brother.

He found him in a store and stood in the doorway as people made their way in and out. Finally, Jonah made eye contact with him and Henry pointed to his phone--a signal that they had a new case. Jonah rolled his eyes as he made his way back to his brother. He was hoping to pick up something for his girlfriend, Holly. The two brothers made their way through the crowded hallway back to the car.

Jonah checked his phone once he was situated in the passengers seat in the car. He received the same one as Henry. It was from their cousin, Cameron, asking them both to return to the field office for a new case. Cam returned from his assignment at WitSec two days ago with information about the person who killed his victim's family.

The boys arrived at the field office and went upstairs to main office where they gathered to present cases. Cameron was waiting for them there along with Damian, Victoria, and Owen, who had taken a sabbatical from classes to be trained to fill in for Victoria. She would be going on maternity leave in three weeks.

"Sorry to drag everyone back in here" Cameron apologized as the boys sat down at the table. He clicked a button on the remote and pictures of the crime scene appeared on the screen in front of them. "WitSec linked a recent murder in D.C. with the M.O. of Richard Caval. He's a family annihilator. His last victims were the Millers, all except for the father was killed. The NYPD tracked him down and then he escaped and Mr. Miller was put into Witness Protection. Three days ago, another family was killed in D.C., the father was left alive."

"NYPD thinks it's Richard Caval" Damian finished.

"Are we inviting Dad and the team in?" Jonah asked.

"No" Damian answered. "The most recent murder was in D.C. We're going to them. There's a jet waiting for us."

"Not for you" Cameron warned as he stood in front of Victoria. As if on cue, Natalie appeared in the doorway of the conference room. "You're pregnant, you're in your third trimester and you've been having Braxton Hicks contractions. Nat, you're a doctor, back me up here."

"You're not going" Natalie told her, as she made her way across the room. "You can work the case from here and Owen will cover you in the field just like he's been trained to do. It's what everyone agreed on."

Victoria sighed, "fine." Victoria went over to Damian to discuss the case further before they left.

Henry, Jonah, and Owen went back to their homes to pack for the trip.

Natalie looked at her older brother. "You look after our cousins and baby brother. Make sure they all stay in line and are safe" Natalie warned.

"I will." Cameron said and lowered his voice to a whisper. "Keep an eye on Vick, would you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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