Harley M.I.A.

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~After a fight between the Joker and Harley, Harley fled to Ivy for comfort and someone to talk with. ~ Harley told Ivy that she wanted to have some air. ~ Both Ivy and Joker hasn't seen Harley for a day, they ended up receiving a burnt letter addressed to them saying that Harley has been kidnapped. Joker and Ivy didn't want to work together and so disagreed to help a loved one. They were left with the thought of having to live without Harley because they didn't want to work together at all. The demands of the letter was for them to go to the forest and they'll get their next clue there. It was a matter of working together just to find Harley, but not even that could bond the two between their hatred. This was all in the works of Amanda Waller, trying to get two more of the powerful villains of Gotham to work together for her. Of course, Joker could've cared less about the subject, Harley could be dead by now and he'd still be laughing. Ivy on the other hand was worried that she'd never get someone like Harley again. She was ignorant at most times, but that's how Harley is and she just loves being there for her. She knows what she has to do. She needs to convince the Joker to cooperate and head down to the forest with her. She doesn't know she's going to convince him but she'll die trying getting Harley back. The following night, Joker's office started growing vines and plants. He immediately knew that Ivy was going to convince him, one way or another. Grumpily, Joker opened the door and the green flowery girl was facing him with a grudge. Ivy restrained Joker with her vines and grabbed him by the throat. The thorns of the vine repelled Joker's skin since Ivy doesn't really want to kill Joker, well, not now at least. "Listen up Jokes. We're going to the drop off point to save Harley." She gripped tighter making sure he fears her, "I'm working alone and you're my prisoner got that?" Joker's struggle turned to a smile and slowly nodded. Ivy released Joker from all restrains and breaks out laughing "Me, a prisoner? HAHAHA! You must be crazier than us working together!" Ivy raised an eyebrow and one vine bursts out spores that made Joker sleepy and soon he knocked out. This was part of her plan, except now she has to drag the Joker instead of walking together. It was foolish of her to get the Joker to go with her and now she has to carry him all the way. Not quite the plan she expected. Joker soon woke up and they were already in the middle of the forest. Ivy had no clue where the drop off point is. The note just said the forest, nothing else. Joker laughed again and pat Ivy's back. "Of course she won't give you the full details. She only gave you half while I had the other." Joker handed out the letter to Ivy and she sucker punched the clown out of frustration. She read the letter out loud, "Meet at the drop off area north side of the river; there you should find your next instruction. Fail to oblige will lead to the three of your deaths." Ivy crumpled the piece of paper and grabbed the Joker, soon they were on their way.

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