Chapter 2

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The forest was huge but it wasn't big enough to block out the sun. It was at the tip point of where it goes before heading down; meaning that morning just ended and the rest of the day waits. Ivy woke up first this time; she groaned in pain and scratched her ear making sure she wasn't deaf already. She took a deep breath to find peace, since all the birds are gone she felt relaxed. Then the Joker groaned and she felt frustrated again. "Why couldn't you have died instead?" She said as she turned around and kicked him in the gut. Joker grabbed his stomach and gave a loud grunt, it was quite painful after putting to sleep by a bunch of cranky-ass birds and wake up with a sore ear. Mornings get a lot of people's bad side, including the Joker himself. After the kick, he slowly got up and straight up sucker punched Ivy. She didn't fall but she certainly felt it, "Ahhhh much better. Now SHUT UP!" Said the Joker. There was no blood spilled but certainly tension was rising between the two.

After catching their breaths, they had a sudden urge to scratch the back of their neck. Joker's irritation was much more severe than Ivy's but it was because Ivy's skin and blood are mostly organic, making her immune to anything poisonous, however this was no poison. Both of them started hearing Amanda Waller, she said, "Don't bother scratching off the devices I inserted in you." Even at a time like this, Ivy still had the guts to make a pun saying "That doesn't sound as sexy when I say it." Joker cracked a fake laugh pointing out that he'd rather partner up with Ivy than work for Waller; sadly he's doing both. "I have installed a micro chip inside the both of you so you hear whatever I say and follow whatever I say." The usual arrogant Joker made him complain about her terms, "If I don't follow?" He said in a grouchy accent. Waller knew Joker would love the little sting behind his neck; her intention now was just to scare him. "Go and see for yourself." The mind games of these two are just as deadly as having all villains of Gotham mashed into one person.

Waller wants things straight so she gave it to them loud and clear. "The only reason I got you two is because you were the last to people Harley was with. Now this isn't a rescue mission. This is another job since she cares about the both of you like a candy from a kid; you're the desired candidates for this mission. Harley managed to go off the grid and went by her own. Normally I would send another task force, but she got her hands on some pretty nasty weapons. Getting Harley back and keep her off those weapons is your main objective. That's all, wait for further instructions." Joker nodded and didn't like where this was going. Somehow, Waller got Joker to follow her orders. Ivy saw his misery and patted him on his back on moved to the direction of the lake; where the location of Harley is suppose to be. The pat on the back made Joker realize that she felt bad too. To her, working for Waller to save Harley is fine but the Joker working for Waller, alongside Ivy is just frustrating him with each minute that passes. He slowly got up with a grunt and closed eyes, almost like he was slowly releasing steam from his mind. The birds, the kidnap, the guns, this was all part of Waller's plan. Joker knew it was all rigged; Waller kidnapped Harley and sends her to an impossible mission where she couldn't resist the guns. So that he would work for her and it would be like a favor. It was clear to his mind, but Ivy is falling for the bait, she's a pawn in this chess game.

Joker was quiet and Ivy didn't like it. As much as she hates the Joker, seeing him being quiet like this scares her. They have been enemies for almost forever and they are walking together, Ivy just had to ask, " How is it?" Joker finally looked up and straight at her, he ignored the question and continued to look down. Even though Ivy was in the front lane, she knew Joker didn't want to answer it as there was just silence. After endless unanswered questions, Ivy finally thought of just sharing a story instead of asking him anything. Whether he was listening or not, she wanted to get it off. "About Harley." With just that, Joker lifted his head and kept it there, Ivy didn't know he was listening so she continued anyway, "She always comes to me but I tell her to leave as soon as she can. It was wrong because she always loves staying with me. I'm like salted nuts; once she starts she can't stop. I never meant for anything like this to happen. I actually started to have feelings too but not like she does. She's someone I talk to and I don't get much friends. I don't want to be the cause between you and Harley's sadness of a breakup." The Joker listened to her words and took it in. Joker caught up with her and pats her back before taking the lead, but yet, he speaks nothing.

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