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Darkness is almost upon both Joker and Ivy yet they are nowhere near the area where they are supposed to be. Ivy started worrying about the time and that it’s getting late, even one of the most badass villainess could feel weakness without vision. Joker, throughout the entire walk, had a smiling face but had no idea where they were headed. Ivy was leading the way. Shortly, the two were able to find a soft spot in the forest. It was round and it had less vines and flowers than most areas. It was perfect for an overnight. “This is where we’ll settle.” She said vigorously. She waved her hands and an egg-like casket made up of vines rose above the ground. She sat on it first and stared at the Joker like he was a useless runt to her. The madman’s smile turned to an angry grin as she started talking staring at him. His fists clinched and his teeth grinding each other as he was angry that his only chance of survival was to stay close to her. He is a prisoner of a woman who controls nature and nature and other wild animals surrounded them. Joker didn’t like the odds, but he has no other option. He slowly walked towards Ivy’s “bed” and she stood up feeling powerful against him. “Well well well, does the madman need comfort from mother nature?” She tried to play against Joker and teasing him. She placed her hands on Joker’s chest making him stop from proceeding. The other hand was twirling around the bright red hair that she had. “You need me as much as you need plants. Now move! I need to sleep.” Joker used his right hand to cover her face and push her aside, making way to the casket.

As he was about to sit down, Ivy made it go back underground and Joker fell on his back. Immediately after Joker’s body fell flat on the ground, Ivy constricted the Joker again in a blanket to the ground. “That should keep you safe then.” She said while giggling.  Even after what he did, Ivy still took the decency to go up to the Joker and talk for a little while. Her hands stroking around his hair and her vines slowly grabbing her already, she told him “Joker dear no need to be a strong big boy in the woods. Just stay behind mother and you’ll be all right for the most part. After we get Harley back and find out you didn’t want to, she’ll be running off to me and I want her sane again you got that?” Joker was about to talk back at Ivy but after his first word, Ivy covered his mouth. “Goodnight Joker.” She blew a kiss in front of his face resembling that, that’s how close he’ll ever get with her. The vines pulled her back and rose above the ground, making her soar and go high up and vanish by the trees. Joker was lying there on the ground trying to get him free. He squirmed and tried to reach for his knife, but it was no good. It was really dark and Joker had almost zero vision. He closed his eyes and it seemed like it were still open for the night was dark, darker than Gotham city in a blackout. He fell asleep in peace and felt sane in his mind for the first time.

The following morning, Joker woke up with birds observing him. Not one, but an entire flock, of all different types of birds, just staring down at him.   As usual, Joker didn’t see this as a threat but more of annoyance. “What’re you all looking at huh?! Get over her and I’ll smack each and everyone of you with your own wings!” Ivy’s sleep was disturbed over Joker’s nagging. His constant rambling didn’t end and it was annoying Ivy already to the point that she just let him go. The vines unraveled and Joker tried to scare away the rest of the flock. He screamed at them and even managed to grab one but one problem, none of the birds moved an inch. They just kept staring at the Joker. “Ivy! I think the birds need their so called mother nature here!” That line immediately ticked Ivy off. Sure it got him to call her mother nature but it was an insult to her that she is to be summoned in front of the birds. The vines that acted as ropes brought her down gently, but her attitude wasn’t so gentle. She stomped walking to the Joker and straight up bitch slapped him to the ground. “How dare you make a call of mother nature to a bunch of birds! I am better tha-“ As Ivy was scolding the Joker, she felt like she was being observed so she looked around and saw all the birds just staring at them both. Ivy was stunned at what she’s seeing. More and more flocks’ come by as time passes and the more they are, the more paranoid Ivy gets. “Joker. What is this?” She sounded terrified and lost with all of the birds looking at her.

A bird glided around and landed in front of Ivy. Unsure of what it was going to do, Ivy quickly trapped the bird by the legs and stared down at it. She was still shocked that the bird was still staring at her, it forced her to move back but she slipped and fell on Joker’s arms. “Joker what is this?!” she was feeling terrified and Joker hasn’t seen her like that ever before. For some reason, it was as if Ivy was afraid of birds. Joker knew exactly what he was going to do; he pushed Ivy into the area where there were the most birds. She fell to the ground and looked up, and yet the birds were still observing her. She tried covering her eyes but knowing that they’re all still staring at her doesn’t help at all. “ENOUGH!” Ivy screamed. All the birds were then constricted and Ivy had an outbreak and vines started going everywhere. “Oooooh a new power?” Joker teased. Ivy turned back at Joker looking confident saying, “Listen clown, I don’t know how you work or how you think of your stupid puns but were going to have to work together and you are making it so hard to keep you alive. So for once in your damn clown life-“ Ivy was cutoff again. This time all the birds started to synchronize screech. Both Ivy and Joker were forced to cover their ears as the sound was too loud and it was making their ears bleed. They screamed and wanted it to stop, they were going crazy, most especially Ivy. Both of them couldn’t help it and they both fell on the ground knocked out. The vines of the birds loosened up and hey were free. That’s when they stopped screeching and quickly flew away.

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