the first mission

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"Is shadow not coming?" Sakura asked.
"Surprise there." Sasuke mumbled. "I don't get why she's on the team."

"Well she's either just being lazy or the Hokage asked her to help out at the hospital again." Kakashi shrugged. They got talking about the land of waves and the Hokages. I tuned them out and searched the area. I frowned picking up on two chakra signatures. They felt relatively weak, probably Chunin, Kakashi could handle them on his own. I didn't even flinch when two people jumped out of the puddle and 'killed' Kakashi. He was a couple tree's doing the same thing I was doing. The main difference was that he didn't know I was here. Sasuke fought surprisingly well, Sakura stood her ground and Naruto...well.... He needs some work. After a very dramatic and unneeded hand stabbing scene, they all decided to continue the mission and move on. Honestly if they had given up I probably would have taken it anyways. We eventually came to the water that separated the land of waves from us. Everyone else climbed into a boat and I waited before performing a summoning Jutsu. A stunning midnight blue almost black wolf with ice blue eyes appeared in front of me.

"Hello Abyss." I greeted lowly petting his head.

"Hello Shadow. How are you feeling?" He replied with that annoyingly protective tone of his.
"I'm fine, now I need to get across this water, undetected." I rolled my eyes. He nodded and shifted. A wolf was no longer in front of me, instead a large owl with the same coloured eyes and feathers. "Nice choice." I mumbled and climbed on. He took off and we silently made our way over above the fog, when we landed on the other side I thank Abyss who eyed me suspiciously. "Abyss I'm fine, if I need to I'll call you."

"Alright." He sighed before disappearing. I waited for the others to show up and kept my senses on alert. I could sense someone else but couldn't pick up on where their chakra signature was coming from. I may not be as fine as I thought. The other's finally showed up and I groaned as I realized the other chakra source was tailing them as well. I was tempted to tell Kakashi but i'm sure he could figure it out himself. I was impressed when Naruto through a Kunai in the direction the Chakra source was coming from. I tried to scout ahead, but the Source kept on the move. Eventually the other creeper made themselves known. A large sword flew above the team and a large man wearing cow print appeared on it.
"Zabuza." I mumbled, instantly looking around, it didn't take long to find what was looking for. A second chakra source. This chakra signature was so weak that it was almost impossible to find unless you were specifically searching for it. Kakashi and Zabuza started to fight and the genin surrounded the old drunk. I tensed getting ready to jump in case I was needed. Kakashi was eventually caught in a water prison and I got ready to jump in while he was yelling at the others to run away. I saw Naruto and sasuke move out of the corner of my eye and decided to give them a chance. I watched impressed as the two used a distraction strategy to get Kakashi out of the prison. At this point I decided it was time to intervene. Before Zabuza had an opportunity to attack Kakashi again I shot off my tree branch and sliced at Zabuza with a dark Katana I summoned in the air. I hit his sword and jumped back into a tree before he could track me.

"What the" He grumbled only to get cut off by another one of my attacks. "Ahh." He said in understanding as I attacked a third time. I wasn't aiming to hurt him, Just push him back. "I see you brought along the shadow nin." I attacked a fourth time this time kicking his face throwing him further back. I landed on the water and smirked.

"Shadow." Sakura said with a sigh of relief. I gave her a wave over my shoulder but didn't take my eyes off Zabuza.
"You know Zabuza." I started, lifting my pure black blade up so I could examine it. "I've always wanted a chance to fight you fully"

"And I you." He chuckled back, getting into a fighting stance. We lunged towards each other, our weapons colliding causing sparks. "It surprises me how strong you are considering your size."

"And I'm not surprised by how weak you are." I rolled my eyes causing him to glare at me. He stepped back and swung at me. I flipped back and concealed my Chakra before hiding. Surprise attacks were my forte. He smirked before turning towards the team. I glared and shot at him from underneath the water pushing him back once again. "Stay away from them." I growled.

"You are losing your touch Shadow nin." Zabuza smirked.

"Am I?" I smirked back, as his water clone, who was sneaking towards the team suddenly combusted sending water droplets everywhere.

"Impressive." He nodded, Kakashi then shot past me taking over again. I calmly walked back to the others, stretching.

"Way too easy." I mumbled, that's when I sensed Zabuza's chakra almost totally disappear. I managed to track it heading towards the genin. I ran towards them and flipped over sasuke landing in the middle of the group, between the drunk and Sakura. I shoved her out of the way and used my Katana to block zabuza's sword which was shooting out of the mist at us. I dropped low and then pushed my fist into his face, sending him flying out of our mini circle and back towards Kakashi.

"Shadow!" Sakura gasped running back towards me.

"I think we have already discovered it was me." I told her plainly.
"You're bleeding!"

"Am I?" I looked down and saw my shirt was ripped and my side had a little knick in it. "It's just a knick." I shrugged.

"That is not just a knick." Sasuke stated, giving me a weird look. Once again I shrugged and turned back to the fight. I had to hold back a snicker as Kakashi scared Zabuza with his 'mind reading' technique. I watched the hand signs they were making and my eyes widened in realization.

"Everyone get to higher ground!" I shouted. Grabbing the drunk, much to his displeasure, and jumped away as the two ninja released their attacks. Two large water dragons swirled around each other, eventually colliding. Even though my sight was once again blocked by water, i could still sense both chakra signatures, one much weaker than the other. The water settled and I watched as Kakashi walked towards Zabuza getting ready to finish it, when two senbon needles hit Zabuza causing him to hit the ground. A 'Tracker' nin showed up right after. I frowned and did a quick evaluation of Kakashi and I's condition. I kept my mouth shut as the tracker nin took Zabuza's body away. Kakashi turned to me, giving me the same look, I had given him.
"You look like hell." We spoke at the same time.

"At least I'm not about to faint." I snorted.

"I'm not about to..." He trailed off his eye shutting and his body falling forwards.

"Happen's almost every time." I mumbled rolling my eyes and catching him. I walked towards the others and Sakura gave me a hesitant look.
"Are you sure you should be carrying him?"

"I don't see anyone else volunteering."

"Give him here." The Drunk said. I shrugged and handed Kakashi too him. We silently walked back to his house, the entire time everyone was giving me looks. At the house the others went inside while I stayed outside. Pulling out my first aid kit I cleaned and wrapped the wound. Making sure every inch of the wound was covered. Once it was clean and I had a new shirt on, I walked inside. Sakura lead me to the room I would be staying with and I saw Kakashi passed out on a bed in a separate room. I waited till sakura went back downstairs before making my way to Kakashi's room. I crawled onto the bed beside him and the wall and fell asleep. 

Shadows of the past.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz