Dinner get together

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When I woke up the next morning there was no sign of Kakashi. Did he even return? I thought to myself as I got up and showered. After I was done I braided my hair and heading out deciding to go to the training fields. Once I saw the mutant caterpillar standing beside abyss I groaned.

"He's not here to train with you. He's here to train with Kira. Rika, you will keep working on the black abyss, Shadow we are going to work on shadow meld." Abyss explained. We all nodded and went our separate ways.

"Okay, you can already sort of use Shadow meld. Though instead of moving into the shadows you bend the shadows around you."

"So basically I just have to give into the shadows and not make them give into me?" I concluded and he nodded. "Sounds easy."

I was wrong. It wasn't easy, it's been about two hours, and I Still haven't been able to do it.

"You need to concentrate Shadow." Abyss sighed.

"I'm trying." I snapped at him glaring. "Maybe if you backed off a little I might actually be able too!" He looked at me wide eyed for a moment before turning and walking over to Where Rika was. I huffed, turning around closing my eyes once again. Focusing on the Shadows, I took a step forward, and was met by a brisk chill. I opened my eyes and smiled when I was met with shades of greys and blacks. I finally did it. I mentally cheered exploring the Shadow world. Where shadows would normally be were instead blotches of colour. That must be the exits. I walked over to one and thought about going back to the normal world. I was surprised when it actually worked.

"You did it." Abyss said walking back over to me.

"Yep." I replied. "Not gonna lie it's a little weird."

"You said the same thing the first time you learned it." He laughed

"Of course I did." I shook my head.

"Keep practicing. This used to be second nature for you."

"Sure." I shrugged walking away from him again.

It was now about midday, I had finally got shadow meld under control. I was shocked to see Rika in it this time.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked.

"Hiding from Abyss." She groaned popping down. "It's really weird to see another person in here."

"I'm pretty sure he can enter the Shadow world if he chose." I informed her sitting beside her. "It's a little weird being in here."

"You'll get used to it." She informed me. "It took me a while to adjust. Now it's my favorite place."

"I can see why." I smiled looking around at the tranquil realm. Only for it to be destroyed.

"What do you two think you're doing!" Abyss shouted appearing in front of us.

"Taking a break." Rika and I replied at the same time. He replied with a hard wolf glare.

"Abyss. It's not like we are training for the exam. We are all more than strong enough to beat our opponent's."

"That doesn't mean anything! What if Orochimaru decides that he wants you back!"

"Kira and I will protect her." Rika snorted.

"That's not the point!"

The mutts right. A deep growl resonated. I looked around trying to pinpoint kage.

"You can hear him?" Rika asked noticing my confusion.

I'm in your head. Since you and Rika share blood I figured I could talk to you as well. Anyways as much as I hate to agree with nothing over there, he's right. Now that the snake knows you are here, you are in danger of being attacked at any time.

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