finally breaking.

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(A/N: important! before anyone reads this section I want to point out that it does hint towards Cutting. I am in no way trying to romanticize it in the slightest, but It is something Shadow goes through and fights with, just as we fight demons of our own shadow does as well. that's all. please enjoy the wild emotions that is this chapter.)

"What was that about?" Sasuke asked as we walked away.

"Her, Abyss, and Kakashi are all worried that the person who experimented on me will want me back now that they know where I am." I looked at the setting sun sighing a little. I missed my solitude.

"Do you think she's right?"

"I get where the concern is coming from. But I'm a shadow ninja, I'm able to protect myself. I have for this long."

"It's what family does." Sasuke said, I could hear the sadness in his voice. "They are supposed to protect and look out for each other."

"I know, but sometimes I feel a little suffocated. 4 months ago I spent 90% of my time alone. I went on missions alone, I stayed out in the forest alone. I looked out mostly for myself."

"Maybe tell them that?" He suggested. "They can't expect you to suddenly accept all of this." I just nodded but didn't say anything else. Sasuke and I walked in silence a little, our arms occasionally brushing against each other.

"Do you really not like being close to me?"

"Look at you full of questions." I laughed lightly. Before answering. "I don't mind it, recently you seem to be the one who keeps helping me. Though Sakura would be pretty annoyed if she found out how much time we spent together, and I don't really want to loose my first Female friend." I replied glancing at him seeing a small frown on his face. "So you want to know the real reason I was put on team Seven."

"I've always been kind of curious, I couldn't figure out why a Shadow nin would be put on a genin team."

"It was to help you guys grow. My mission was to watch you and Naruto and too support you in anyway needed. But in the end I think you two helped me grow more."

"You helped me learn that there will always be someone stronger than me." He said lightly, I laughed bumping his shoulder a little.

"Yeah you have a long way to go before you can catch up to me." I replied. "You know at one point I was pretty sure you'd make an excellent Shadow ninja."


"But as much as you think it drives you, I think you're need for revenge holds you back from the potential you can achieve. And.."

"And what?"

"And I have a feeling team 7's happy days are almost over, I feel like the team is going to get split. And my feelings are almost never wrong." I replied softly looking around. Sasuke and I were standing in the middle of his training field, the sun was down and the stars were out shining brightly. I sat down putting my head on my knees. After a second Sasuke joined me, we once again just sat in silence. "Sasuke, promise me something." I saw him tense.


"I'm not going to ask you to forget about your revenge. I'm not that selfish. But if you ever leave the village... don't forget about me."

"I don't think anyone could forget about you moving tigerlily." He laughed, gently knocking my shoulder.

"Oh shush up floating duck." I snickered back. He smiled at me a little.

"I promise."

"Thank-you." I smiled back laying down looking at the stars, once again Sasuke followed suite. We sat in silence for a while, and I jumped a little when I felt Sasuke lace his fingers with mine. My head snapped in his direction but he was still looking at the sky. I looked away quickly, hoping the heat I was feeling wasn't a blush, though I laced my fingers back. There was something about Sasuke, and I still don't know what it is. What makes him so different from everyone else I deal with. What makes it so easy for me to relax.

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