Dave Murray

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1.) Dave Murray is related to Jesus and Satan.

2.) Dave Murray is unaware he has a tiny lisp.

3.) Dave Murray once played a ten hour guitar solo, but it wasn't put on an album because it was, "bloody too damn long!!!".

4.) Dave Murray is the king of blue eyes, he even invented the eye color.

5.) Dave Murray was the inspiration behind the invention of the Barbie Doll.

6.) Dave Murray wrote the "I'm a Barbie Girl" song.

7.) Dave Murray 60% adorable, 20% talented, and 10% lisp.

7.) When Bruce Dickinson first joined Iron Maiden, Dave Murray made Bruce run around naked for an hour blindfolded as an "initiation" to the band.

8.) Dave Murray wrote the song "Charlotte The Harlot" about a woman he slept with in high school. In a 1984 interview, Dave Murray revealed the identity of the woman to be the mother of a school bully.

9.) Dave Murray does cocaine when he is pissed off. His therapist has come out and said, "It doesn't bloody help".

10.) Dave Murray has a similar thing to Nicko McBrain, they both cause everyone to feel very happy/smile when they are smiling/happy.

11.) Dave Murray only showers with peppermint, he NEVER uses soap. This is because he has a very rare phobia called soapphobia.

12.) Dave Murray once tried to fly on his way,  like an eagle. This resulted in him breaking every single bone in his body, he was in the hospital for a YEAR. #DammitDaveMurray.

13.) Dave Murray is married to Eddie's twin sister, Edwardette.

14.) Dave Murray is a maniac for chocolate.

15.) Dave Murray dresses up as Shaggy from Scooby Doo every Halloween.

16.) Every Christmas, Dave Murray dresses up as Santa and puts presents for his bandmates under the tree when they are all asleep.

17.) Dave Murray has horsephobia.

18.) Dave Murray smiles a lot because he knows when everyone will die.

19.) Dave Murray is secretly both male and female.

[No disrespect to Iron Maiden intended, these are just for laughs 🤘🏻🇬🇧].

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