chapter seven:

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'I will call u back.' He says to whoever is calling him. 'Wanna go for ice-cream?'


'Yes!' But Mike must be coming the same route as I came to this town, meaning they will pass that ice cream store...if we going there. ''


'Let's go somewhere else.'

'Do you not like ice cream?' He laughed.

'Are you joking? We practically married!!!' I joked.

'Then we going to get ice cream.'

I really couldn't refuse. As much as I wanted to.

'Fine. On one condition.'

'No conditions, we going to my favourite ice cream store.'

I sigh, defeated.

'Now stop pouting and put on something warm.'

WAIT WAIT WAIT. This whole time I was with the KING of the school and I wasn't even in my "bad girl" act! ARGH. He must've caught on... that I'm a fraud! Or even worse, I'm a traitor to the popular social groups! He could be taking me to a hide out where everyone's waiting to KILL me.

I got up and raced up to my room.

Get your act together.

Get your act together.

DAAAAMN you better get your act together.

I swing open my closet and rushed in.

'Something warm, something warm, something warm.' I mumble while searching.

High waisted black skinny, mmm.

Bage over sized crop top jersey.

Put two and two together and BAM.

I tucked the front part of my jersey in my jeans and left the back hanging

I put on my black Jordans, brushed my hair out and it fall straight on my shoulders.

I put on light makeup, mascara, eyeliner, nude lipstick.


I ran downstairs and found Jase no where to be seen. I ran out and locked my door, and saw that he was already in the car.

I jumped in the car and immediately started driving.

'So where is your favourite place?'

'About a half an hour drive.'

'Well then I better get comfortable.'


'It's cold in here.' I say and rub my arms over my jersey. We in the store I really didn't want to be by. But he didn't really leave me with much of a choice, I mean, he drove me here.

'I said put on something warm.' He said.

'Well I didn't know you would bring me to Antarctica!'

'Kids. Kids!' Said a voice from behind us.

I recognise him from one of the boys from school. Jase's friend.

'Hey man.' He said and did a hand shake.

'Yo, I'm Jake.' He said and hugged me.
Uhm arkward.


'Jase. Let's get the order.' I say.

'Yeah, uhm sure.' He said and shook his head. 'What you want?'

'A caramel sunday.' I grinned bringing back memories, that only happened a few days ago.

It was our turn in the line and he stepped forward while I get out my purse.

'Put. That. Away.' He death stared me.

It made me scared a bit. But I couldn't let that put me down, so I broke out into a laugh.

He stared at me. Then frowned. I looked at Jake. He was staring at me with eyebrows raised, almost like, WOW.

'First girl that was not scared of him. I'm impressed.' Jake said.

'You were standing there this whole time?'

'Well yeah. But uhm, I was just- I was just- standing here, uhm reading.'

'Reading what?' I checked his empty hands.

His eyes flickered around everywhere. And landed on the menu. 'Well obviously the menu, durh.'

I saw the menu laying on the table, 3 feet away from where his standing.

'Okay.' I act defeated.

We found a seat and I sat with my back facing the windows and door. Just precautions.

After a while of small talk the waiter came by to drop off our orders, I looked back as he came towards us and noticed a familiar figure behind him.


I turned immediately around and faced Jase. He looked at me, then at where I was looking.

'Who's that?' He asked.

'Who? I don't know.' I tried acting and looked frantically around.

He laughed. 'You so bad at lying.'

'Hi.' I heard from behind me, and I tensed.

I looked straight into Jase's eyes and he was frowning.

I looked back to see,

'MIKE! Hi.' I said nervously.

He smirked, 'still the geeky you've always been. Never changed.'

By now I was physically shaking. OH GOD. I hope Jase never heard that. Crabs, what do I do.

I looked at Jase, he was looking at me, blankly.

'So you really are a nerd?' He asked.

I sat there not saying anything.

'And since when do you dress so sexy?' Mike asked and sat next to me. I started feeling uncomfortable, and tried moving away. 'Feeling shy?' He grinned, I hated that grin.

'Leave me alone.' I said in a croaky voice. But he just moved closer. 'Leave me alone!' I shouted louder, sounding a bit more confident. I got up grabbed my bag and walked fast towards the door. I noticed the melting ice cream in my hand and dumped it in the trash on the way. Sorry for wasting your money Jase.

I hate my life so much.

I remembered that Jase drove me here, so I'm going to have to drive home with him.

Did I mention that I hate my life?

'Nikki? Nikki! Wait up!' Jase called out.

He ran up to me, and I turned around, looking down.

'odio mi vida. Desearía poder arrastrarme por un agujero y morir.' I mumbled under ,my breath.

I saw Jase smirk. 'That was cute.'

'estoy caminando a casa.' I forgot he couldn't understand me. 'I mea-'

'mete tu trasero en el auto. te llevo a casa.' I stared at him, Spanish suited him. I probably stared for long because then it was his turn to say , 'I mean get your-'

'-ass in the car you driving home, I know, I spoke Spanish since I was 5.' I stated. He raised his hands in defeat.

'I started when I was 7. He climbed into the car.'

'Not much of a difference.'

The drive was quiet for a while until Jase spoke up.


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