As the celebration began

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phillip P.O.V

Hey guys you're 10 minutes late?The Mr. on left from me needs time like a girl to be ready Bastian said looking to Thomas Hahhahhah. No we don't need that much time to be ready (I heard a girly voice) Oh Stefanie well meet my sister, Bastian this stefanie Hey Stefanie said Bastian greeted her and hugged her, Thomas did the same but he was shying a little bit

okay guys I'm going to bar to take some drinks, who wants one?

Me stefanie said Thomas said okay too Allright Bastian come with me I said

Thomas P.O.V

so Stefanie how are you?- I asked really fine she answered.  what about you "Mr.Worldchampion 2014" she said laughing.  oh I'm fine just relaxing these days from world cup stress!

but anyhow its was the Best moment of my life.  yeah I can understand that she said. what was your best moment I asked oh when I got admission to my favorite college in Munich Stefanie said, oh great and which college is this? its called Yale. OMG you're a Yalie? awesome it was dream college too! BUT? Stefanie said But then I realized I'm in German national soccer team. HAHAHAHAHAHA we both laughed.

so guys your drinks I heard Phillip coming,  thank you we both said. And soon was Phillip gone. I took a sip of my Long island tee oh its Yummy

yaa yummy with alcohol Stefanie said. I actually like Stefanie, she is a nice girl with a positive presence. Hey Thomas Thomaass Tommy what are you thinking about so deeply?  Stefanie said. Ah nothing special.  Hey my glass is empty let us take some drinks. we went to the bar "Two shorts with lemon please" Stefanie ordered. Huhuhuhuhu be careful girls can be drunk really fast!!

Don't worry Stefanie said I'm not that type of girl. we both had our fifth shorts now. it was feeling good now, so relaxed.  wanna dance? Stefanie asked yeah sure I answered.  we head to the dance floor and started dancing. I'm watching Stefanie she can dance really good, although she is drunk. she is just so beautiful. The DJ played a romantic song after that rocking one. we both were standing on floor and watching each other what to do?

come closer Stefanie said I went two steps nearer two steps more Thomas Stefanie said. now we're so closed that I can even feel her breath. she laid her hands on my neck and my hands were on her taille, we're dancing like a couple now. slowly and slowly she laid her head on my chest and we danced the whole song through.  The others were watching us but what can I do? Bastian is smiling to me saying "nice dude" I can lip read that! After dancing we are all sitting on the bar Phillip, Manu, Stefanie,  Bastian and me.

Bastians P.O.V

Hey Manu where is your sister Lincy? oh she have to do something important I asked her but she was busy- oh okay Bastian said. Thomas looked over to me awkwardly as he want to say something but he can't.  Guys its 00:00 I think we should leave now-

yes you're right,Stefanie is already drunk Phillip said. No I'm not drunk Babe Stefanie said, look she is calling her own brother babe HAHHHAHAHA we all laughed.  okay who is driving whome home? ohhh meeee mee i'm going only with Thomas! Stefanie said. we all looked really strange but anyhow! well Bastian when Thomas is driving with Stefanie then I can drop you home because you came in one car I'm a right? Manu asked yeah thanks I said. Okay guys see'ya tomorrow said Phillip walking to his car

Me and Manuel are walking to his car

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